[ chapter one ]

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A burning cigarette sitting between my lips, ever so often taking it out to exhale the beauty of the smoke. The spring air was crisp, and the sidewalk crunched under my leather boots.

My flannel flew behind me, riding the wind, and my best friend was next to me, lighting her own cigarette.

'What's on your mind babe?' I questioned, looking over at Tegan.

'I want to get drunk and high until I'm tired of it.' She spoke softly, never taking her eyes of her glowing cigarette.

'But Tegan, we do that ever night.' I sighed, breathing from my own glowing stick of nicotine.

'No, I mean, good weed, cold drinks. Not that wack shit at our usual parties.' She sighed, looking down at her boots.

'Well, tonight we will find the best booze, and the best smoke. For now, lets go get intoxicated.' I dragged Tegan along, eager for a drink.

'But its like eleven in the morning.' She huffed, defusing her cigarette on the cold cement.


_ _ _ _ _

well, sorry its short. i had writers block.

and to clear up some confusion, this is the day after. ( I change it oops. )

so stay tuned for love and intoxication.

and this is dedicated to my bby fo ever. tea, who is tegan in the story bc i love her so much.

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