[ chapter three ]

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The peach colored sun set slowly, leaving a red glow over the city. Tegan was rushing around our shard apartment searching for something to wear to the party. 

'Why do you even care?' I sat on my bed, watching as she frantically threw clothes on the floor. 

'Did you see the way he winked at me?' She stopped in her tracks and looked at me with big brown eyes. 

'Alright.' I hummed quietly, letting her continue. I got up from the soft bed, making my way to my wardrobe, in search of something for myself to wear. I quickly found my floral crop top, and a cute high wasted black skirt along with my converse.

Tegan still was in search of her 'perfect outfit' while I was working on hair and makeup. 

'Tegan, I hope you know we have to leave soon.' I yelled into the bedroom from the large bathroom. Shuffling was heard from the room before Tegan yelled back at me. 

'Yeah yeah, I think I found something!' Her voice was muffled. I continued to curl the ends of my dark hair, and applying makeup to my tan skin. Tegan finally walked in, wearing an Arctic Monkey's crop top along with high wasted shorts with her leather boots. 

'Finally.' I sighed dramatically. Tegan quickly got ready. We made our way out of the apartment, making our way to my beat up old car. 

The car clanked down the road as we made our way to Zayn's place, Coldplay was playing quietly in the background. 


We new there was a party on the block by the red cups littering the sidewalk and street. Lights were glowing from his house, music was blaring. 

As we pulled up, already drunken people were flooding out of the home and onto the grass, kissing and being drunk. 

'You ready to have fun?' Tegan looked over at me, a smile plastered on her face. I nodded, and I got out of the car. The music was louder, and the scent of alcohol was floating in the air. 

The front door was wide open, inviting guests that wanted to get drunk. A cloud of smoke hazed over the people in the dark living room, dancing and grinding on others bodies. 

I was admiring the mixture of smoke, sex, and alcohol in the air when a boy with light brown eyes and short brown hair bumped into me. 

'Oh, sorry about that love.' He slurred, looking back at me with a smile. I rolled my eyes, continuing to enjoy the atmosphere of the party. 

'Hey, Alex, Tegan.' Zayn met us, a smile on his face, his features pretty. He brought Tegan in for a tight hug, followed by me. He spelled of cigarette smoke and cheap cologne. 'I see you met Liam.' He rocked on his heels, pointing to the boy that had just ran into me. 

'Yeah. He's cute too.' Tegan winked. Zayn glanced behind us, before motioning for someone to come over. 

'Hey.' A familiar voice spoke. I spun around to see Liam approaching the conversation. 

'Hey Liam. Tegan here thinks your cute.' Zayn smirked, winking at Tegan. A small laugh slipped out of me. 

'Oh dose she.' Liam winked at Tegan. Why was everyone winking? 'Come with me.' Liam took Tegan's hand, as he put his red cup down, dragging her to the dance floor. 

'So, remember what you told me you wanted to do?' Zayn smiled, his deep eyes looking into my own. I thought back to the first day we met, and telling him that I wished to drink, smoke, and fall in love. Still all true. 

'Yeah.' I dragged it out. Nodding. 

'Want to go get drunk out back?' He smirked, motioning to bottles of alcohol in the kitchen. 

'Sounds fun.' 

_ _ _ _ 


but anyway. 

i have a surprise once this gets to 1k reads. lol

and dont forget feedback and vote. love you all so much!

thank you for 300 followers! xx

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