[ chapter eleven ]

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It didn't take but seconds for his alcohol stained lips to crash onto mine. His hands wondered to ass, cupping it slightly, before harshly smacking it. His actions resulted in my lips parting in a squeal and moan of approval. He took this moment, and sloppily slid his tongue against mine. Immediately, the taste of cheap alcohol and cigarette smoke intoxicated me.

Our lips were moving along one another's in a very sloppy manner. His drunken state made for a careless make out session in the entry-way of hes vanilla scented home. Hands began to roam further on each others bodies. Incoherent groans and moans filled the room faintly, as for most of them were suffocated in one another's mouths. 

Our interconnected bodies moved clumsily over to the plush couch, in the center of his living room. I finally realized at the quick clean up of his place. Last time I had been here, the music was blaring and no one seemed to care about the slow mess they were making in Zayn's house. 

Zayn's moved to my neck, biting and sucking softly. His lips were full of need, working there way down to my collar bone. My lips parted slightly, I allowed a small whimper to escape from them. 

Zayn's sloppy kisses broke from my clammy skin. He hastily removed my shirt, his whiskey flavored lips still lingering on my warm skin. My eyelids hung low over my eyes, I was busy enjoying the intoxication that were Zayn's lips. Shivers ran over my shoulders, I was now standing in my pink lacy bra. Zayn's strong jaw dropped slightly. His eyes glazed and lids hooded. He was a sexy drunk, although his eyes were like glass, they still illustrated a need and a want as he admired my body.

He cut the silent, sexual air with muttering a few words,

"Shit. Well aren't you sexy.' His voice was slurred and deep, his light eyes were darkening by the second. My arousal was only increasing. He stepped closer to me, laying me onto the soft cushion of the couch. His eyes were dancing from my eyes, to my partially exposed breasts. 

His lips made there way to my neck, once again. His fingers ghosted along my skin before they found their way to the back of my bra. His lips stayed in contact with my neck, as he slowly unhooked the boundary all the while he was leaving small bites on my heated neck. His warm fingers drew the straps of my bra from my shoulders.

As the bra left my skin, his hands promptly made their to my exposed breasts. His kisses continued as he slowly messaged my chest. Moans and whimpers filled the room, the walls holding in all of the need that was concentrated in its boundaries. Our lips connected for another time tonight, my nipples being tugged lightly in the pads of Zayn's large fingers. He only inhaled the moans that were escaping me. 

My need for Zayn grew strong. I was dripping with arousal. I need him. 

I broke form the passionate, sloppy kiss, annoyed. 

"Oh, just get on with it Zayn." I huffed, eyebrows furrowed. He nodded his head urgently. His eyes dropped down to my pants and underway. His cold, long fingers rapidly ripped the clothing from my body, exposing me to him. He licked his lips as he stared. His eyes finally locked with mine as he dropped his own pants that were low on his hips. 

His length was obviously restrained in his tight ass boxers. I licked my lips at the sight of his indisputable want for me. He sauntered back to my naked body. He swung his leg over, so he was hovering me. His warm, alcohol scented breathe sent chills down me. 

"Shall we." Zayn smirked before attacking my collar bones and breasts with his moist lips. He rubbed his tip slightly against my clit, just to tease, before he slowly found my entrance, slowly pushing into me. I had to adjust. His dick was long and thick, better than anything I've ever experienced. 

I nodded for him to speed his movements, and he did so. He felts so good inside me. His muscles in his arms bulged out as he thrusted harder and faster into me. 

"So wet, so t-tight." Zayn groaned, looking down at our connecting. I moaned involuntarily, and the bundle of nerves in my lower stomach began to grow. As my high came closer, Zayn's thrust grew faster, rougher. I was in complete bliss. The only thought on  my mind was that of Zayn, and how well he was pleasuring me. 

"I'm close." I yelped, scratching Zayns sturdy back, earning a deep moan from his pink lips. His thumb moved down to rub my clit at an amazing pace that only brought me closer to release. I moaned loudly as my climax took over my nerves. Only a few more, lazy thrusts send Zayn shooting everything he had inside me. He hot, sweaty body collapsed onto mine. Heavy breathing was the only thing heard in the large home. 

"That was.." Zayn huffed, searching for the right word to describe this passionate just shared.


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guys... i know this was really really bad, its my first time officailly writing smut. please let me know what you thought. 

oh by the way, i really love you guys because this was 839 words NOW ITS RATED R OMG

but i really need some advice. WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT TO READ FROM ME???

sex stories, 

cute stories

psycho stories

sad stories

party/drug/alcohol stories


please tell me in the comments.

and dont forget to let me know ur thoughts and such. love you all! many more updates coming soon. oh and do you want me to update Sugar and/or Lighter??? let me know! xx

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