[ chapter seven ]

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The moment the words left my lips, Zayn's cold ones clashed to mine for the second time that night. My eyes fluttered shut immediately, being driven crazy by his touch, his taste. Everything and everyone around me stopped, I was to stuck in the moment of Zayn and Alex to pay attention to my surroundings.

It was a quick kiss, but there was so much passion behind it, that it felt like eternity, and I just wanted to be with him for all of it. He put his forehead to mine, looking into my eyes.

"And I, am drunk off of you." He smiled, holding my hands in his own. Our eyes wandered each others for moments, our breathes mixing. We were in our own little word, not speaking any trace of words. The music resumed in my mind, when someone was stumbling into my back, lurching me forward into Zayn's arms.

"Oh heeeey Alex." The feminine voice slurred, dragging out her words. Tegan's dark hair swung around. Her eyes were glazed with intoxication, and coated in red. Liam's arm was hooked around her, rubbing her hip, and occasionally traveling to her bum.

"Hi Tegan." I chuckled at her drunken state. Liam's eyes were equally coated in a glaze.

"Oh, you were the couple that came to see us sex." She slurred, looking past me at Zayn. Liam laughed at Tegan's choice of words. Their interaction was cute. "Alcohol is nice after getting banged." Tegan hummed, sipping from a cup that I hadn't seen in her hand before. Liam shook his head agreeing, sipping from his own hidden cup.

"Let's get you two some water." Both Zayn and I spoke up, eager to sober our friends up a bit. We guided the them to the kitchen, which was filled with bottles of alcohol on the counter warming to be room temperature. Tegan and Liam leaned on the counter, still flirting with one another. Zayn and I got them cups with a good amount of water.

Taking away their alcoholic beverages, we handed them the cold, condensation lined, cup. They took slow sips. We watched them, making sure yet didn't find more alcohol.

As they began to drink most of the fluid, Zayn and I continued on our own.

"Fun night, huh?" Zayn chuckled, stepping closer to me.

"Sure was." I smiled, resting my hands on his chest.

"You're really something, Alex." His voice was raspy, uneven. Filled with nervousness?

"Thank you Zayn." I smiled, stepping on my tip toes, kissing his cheek slightly. "We should get going." I motioned to Tegan, who was not as drunk off of her ass as before. Zayn nodded, his checks reddening.

I walked to Tegan, telling her we were leaving. My eyes were heavy, and just wanted, needed, sleep. Liam and Tea traded numbers, and a quick kiss goodbye.

We walked through the crowd of sweat and alcohol to get to the door, the music getting slightly quieter as we moved away from the source. Zayn was close behind. As we finally got to the door, Tegan continued to the car as I stayed behind, whipping around to face Zayn. His lips quickly met mine, engulfing me in his breathe, his taste, his feel. We pulled apart, his hands on my hips. I finally was out of his reach, and walking to my clammy old car.

"Bye party boy."

A/N sorry for a sucky chapter :( but check out my new story that I posted called sugar! it's coming soon and I'm excited for it .

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