[ chapter two ]

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The bar we stumbled into was empty. Only a few alcoholics sit with little motion, sipping form their glasses. The smell of whiskey was thick in the air, along with the linger of cigarette smoke.

The bar area was empty, the clock read 11:24. I slowly made my way to the bar, deciding what would intoxicate my veins today.

The bartenders back was to me, the familiarity was there.

'Excuse me.' I said lightly, leaning over the wooden bar. He turned around, drying a large mug with a white cloth, finally looking up at me and meeting my gaze.

'Alex.' A smile gleamed on the handsome boys face, the same one that was smoking a cigarette with me just last night.

'Zayn.' I hummed quietly, leaning back on my heels. He smiled, looking back down at the glass in his hands. 

'What can I get you and your friend?' He nodded towards Tegan, causing a smile on her face. 

'Oh, yeah, this is Tegan. I will take a few shots.' I winked, taking a seat on the wooden stool. His eye brows furrowed. 

'Shots? At eleven thirty in the morning?' He questioned. I smirked.

'Yes, now if you would.' I motioned behind him where the alcohol was sitting. Zayn shook his head, turning to fill me order. 

'So who is he?' Tegan ask, smiling. 'He's fucking hot.' She leaned into me, raising her brows. 

'Thanks.' Zayn replied, listening in on our conversation, causing him to chuckle. Hi handed me my shot glasses filled with a burning, beautiful liquid. 

'There is a party tonight, you should come.' He spoke softly, before I took my first shot. The liquid burned the whole way down, and the heat in my veins started to surge through me. 

'Where at?' I hummed before going for my second. 

'My place.' He flashed me a side smirk, his dark eyes locking with mine. 

'Sounds fun.' I smiled, after taking my last shot. I scooted off of the stool and dragged the buzzed Tegan out of the bar. 

'Bring your friend.' He winked at Tegan before the walls of the bar were between us. 

_ _ _ _ _

sorry this absolutely sucks

and it took so long.

this is kind of a filler and such

but please leave some feedback

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love you all. x

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