[ chapter four ]

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The bottle was cold in my hand, the condensation dripping in my palms. My other hand was in Zayn's leading me through the crowd of people dancing, drinking, smoking. The glass door to the backyard was the only thing between us and that drunken feeling. Slurred words and unnecessary giggles. 

The night air was cold, the sky a dark blue, and the music was still hear in the backyard. 

'Nice place you got here.' I spoke, breaking the unawkward silence. I looked into the house, catching Tegan's eye, who was grinding on Liam. 

'Thanks, shall we begin?' Zayn's voice was raspy. We both sat on the wet, cold grass, ready to consume the burning alcohol. I handed him the drink to get things started. He nodded at me, grabbing the bottle. 

He took gulps of the clear liquid, the contents of the glass bottle shrinking. He stopped, smiling and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his lips wet. He handed me the bottle. 

'Have fun.' Zayn breathed, already gaining a buzz. His breathe lingered with the scent of whisky. 

I took big sips, the liquid burning all the way down. I drank more, loving the feeling of the buzz. I handed him back the bottle, smiling and closing my eyes. The alcohol swam through my veins. He drank more, leaving a good amount for me to consume. 

'So good.' He slurred, licking his lips. I took the bottle for the last time, drinking the rest of the liquid, loving every minute of it. I laughed a little.

'Yes, so good.' My words were slurred and light. Zayn's brown eyes turned dark, becoming quickly glazed. A small chuckle escaped his lips.

'I'm drunk.' He laughed, holding his stomach. I joined in, scooting closer to his slim frame. His glossy, drunk eyes met mine. He smelled like sweet alcohol, yum. 'Youre pretty.' He smiled, tucking a strand of stray hair behind my ear. I giggled, my cheeks heating up. 

'Thanks.' I looked up at Zayn, his eyes were closed and the space between us was shrinking. His whisky coated lips met mine, they were cold and tasted of alcohol, which I loved. My hands went to his hair, running my fingers through his dark strands. 

He moaned into mouth, causing the same response from me. His hand traveled to my thigh. We were caught in the drunken kiss. 

'Come with me,' He stood up, taking my hand and smirking. His words still unsober. I stood up, smiling a stupid drunk smile. He guided me back through the crowded living room. Tegan and Liam were no where in sight, but of course, I didn't care. 

The lead me up the stairs, his palm sweaty. The hallway was filled with doors, but he led me to the first one up the stairs. He opened the door, and moaning was heard in the room. Two familiar faces popped u from the sheets. 

Liam and Tegan.

_ _ _ _ _

Oh my my. 

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