[chapter twelve]

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Our now weak and sweaty bodies lay there motionless. Neither of us wanting to move, but new the inevitable was soon to come.

'I should go.' I said quickly, trailing the words, unsure if I even should have said them.

I had thought about Zayn's intentions. He probably want just a drunken, quickie. A bit of sex, and then I leave.

Nothing more, nothing less. His hooded eyes slowly found their way to mine.

'No, stay.' He hummed, his warm breathe mingling with my own. I smiled, continuing to lay with him. Soon, our eyes were closed and a short sleep began to consume us.


We both woke up two hours later, the sun was high in the sky and seeping through the thin curtains. Zayn's raspy voice greeted me as I slipped out of sleep.

'Hi.' He smiled, stretching his inked arms high into the air. I just hummed a reply, not wanting to get out of this cozy position.

I slowly sat up from laying on Zayn's chest. My own arms stretched, while Zayn eyed my exposed breasts. I smiled and my cheeks heated up at his admiration. I got up off of the couch, heading to fethc all of my scattered clothing. Zayn did the same shortly after, his eyes following my bum and every move.

One we were dressed, I maid way for the door. I had a good time, but didnt want to over stay my welcome.

"So,' Zayn began as I was standing outside the door, 'how about we go on a date.' He smirked, his chocolate eyes boring into mine.

'Yes.' I smiled. It ididnt take me long to decide. Zayns a gerat guy, and I could see something here. Other than sex.

- - -


im sorry... I dont have any drive for this story. please let me know if you want me to continue... please

love you and HAPPY HOLIDAYS

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