My Heart Breaking pt.2

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The Starbucks line was not budging, I was to meet Keith at his place and to top it all off, I was hardly packed for our trip to Australia. For starters, I was a nervous wreck with the thought of even meeting his parents. There was a worry in my mind that they wouldn’t approve of me. Keith kept reassuring me that they would love me, but I wasn’t so sure. It was almost like some people would shut me out because I was dating him. Nothing like that had really bothered me, but if his family was that way I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle it. I wanted nothing more than for them to love me.

 It was a good thing that our relationship wasn’t really public. Nashville was a pretty low-key city, which I loved. Paparazzi weren’t a factor here, and everyone for the most part treated others like they were just normal people. Some would just randomly say hi to Keith while he would be walking by. There was no crazy crowds, and loud screaming here. Even though Nashville was that way, I was still happy about our relationship not be as public yet. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that. I had to know his family first. I had to know for sure that nothing could break us. 

 There were so many thoughts running wild like a racehorse in my mind. To distract it, the line finally had started moving. The line was filled with business people making phone calls, college students, and teenagers who thought they were cool because they were about to drink a Starbucks coffee. The place had its perks of interesting people and I wouldn’t mind sitting here for a day just to people watch, but I couldn’t do that today. I had to get home. “Ma’am?” the barista said trying to get my attention. I looked up at her, exiting my world back into reality. “Oh… sorry… just two venti drips, please?” I ordered. The Barista gave me the two cups filled with black coffee; I paid her and rushed out the door just to hear a familiar voice.

 “Lacey?” it sounded just like Aubrey.

 I stopped dead in my tracks and looked over to see her standing there. “Aubrey… hi…” I mumbled. I placed the tray that was containing the two coffee cups on top of my car. It had been weeks since I had an actual conversation with her. I had missed her so much, but I could still feel the tension. “What’s up?” I asked.

 Aubrey shrugged and walked toward me. She was depressed and angry. I could see it in her eyes. All I could do was wonder about what was going on with her? I wish that she knew that she could talk to me, but at the same time we weren’t really on speaking terms at the moment. “Just getting some coffee,” she answered.

 “I see. Um, okay, well I really have to go. Keith and I have a plane to catch, and I’m not even really packed….” I rambled, placing the tray in my car and getting ready to hop in.

 “Wait…” Aubrey said stopping me from driving off. It was a long moment of silence because I didn’t bother to say anything to her. I had just waited for her to finish talking to complete her though. “I’m sorry… I’m sorry for saying those things, and not believe in you and your relationship with Keith. You were right. I was really jealous. My plan was to somehow get him to notice me, and when he noticed you instead of me I got envious. I didn’t support you guys because, Lacey, you know why. I thought he’d be desperate for attention. I was trying to take you away from him. I was wrong though. You smile more at work. You seem to have more life in you… I know it’s because of him. I’ve been a really bad friend, and I’m really, really sorry,” Aubrey confessed finishing off her thoughts.

 The sound of cars in the background made the moment less of a moment, but I was happy that she finally realized that what she did was wrong. Surely, I had missed her and I had forgiven her. I had just been waiting for her to publicly admit it to me in person. “I forgave you a long time ago. I was just waiting for you to actually say you were sorry, “ I confessed. “I’m in love with him, Aubrey. He makes me the happiest girl in Nashville.”

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