Chapter ~ 4

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It's Okay || Gabriel Lewis

"Evening mother" I greeted letting the twins hands go, allowing them to rush into the room, I glanced over seeing my father, which shocked me slightly considering it's Wednesday. He looked old. His hair was greying, probably from all the stress, dark bags under his eyes from not having enough sleep, cheeks hollowed out, his skin pale. 

My father has been a man of very few words when it comes to me, he barley acknowledges my presence let alone talks to me.  In a way, I've lost both my parents years ago when this all started. I can't complain cause I know what my father is doing, he is working hard to keep the roof over our heads and the treatment for mother going, but sometimes I wish I had my father back and my mother.

Turning to my siblings, I got them set up in the corner with drawing and colouring their books that they got for their birthday. "I love you Gabe" Lilly said grinning up at me, I smiled, crouching beside her, ignoring the pain that erupted from my body, smiling softly at her, "I love you too Lilly" I replied pressing a kiss to her cheek, stretching my hand out to mess Jack's hair up, "I love you too Jack" I said laughing as he patted down his hair.

Turning my attention back to my parents, I sat in one of the chairs near the bed, listening into their hushed conversation, mindlessly.  They were arguing about me and the twins.

"Anthony. I know your working hard, but they're your kids, they hardly see you. Gabriel doesn't get a day off either, he is taking care of the twins every day. Do you even know your children anymore?" Mother said weakly, coughing heavily.

"Sandra we are already in debt, I can't stop otherwise I'll can't afford for treatment . I do this for you!" Father grumbled, I glanced down, wishing that I could help out, to get a job, but the twins need me.  What shocked me was the debt, I was never told that we actually owed money, I knew we were only scraping past with bills but I thought our heads were above water.

"I've stoped treatment" mother said, making my already damaged world crack more. My eyes staring at her with horror, treatment Is what keeps her alive, She can't last long with out it.

"You what?!" My father screamed angrily, his face red, hands balled into fists, as much as I wanted to be there for my mother and ask questions, the fearful eyes of my siblings became my main concern.

"Dad enough!" I snapped standing up finally, placing a hand on his shoulder, I couldn't bare to see my mother's tears. "Shut up boy!" He growled, I heard it before I felt it, a hand met my cheek with force, the slap echoed in the room.

I felt like I was doing the ice bucket challenge, as shock flooded my system. The force of my fathers backhand and look that followed was enough to shatter part of my world, there was no remorse or guilt, just anger. My life just goes from bad to worse.

"Lillian, Jack, wait for me out side okay? I'll be there in a minute" I said calmly glancing at my two siblings who looked terrified with tears streaming down their cheeks. "Leave your things" I added, they nodded as they scrambled out the room. They already saw too much.

Once the door shut, the betrayal and anger I so badly wanted to let out, was swallowed along with the emotion on my face. I turned to my away from my father walking around the other side of the bed, she had tears streaming down her cheeks, body shaking with sobs.

Leaning down I wrapped my arms around her, "it's okay Mum" I whispered, my heart was breaking with what I was going to say but I knew it was time. She was living on borrowed time, she wasn't enjoying life anymore, only surviving because of us. living without pain is something we should be entitled to do for as long as we can and we aren't giving her this by keeping her here. I knew this along time ago, I just didn't want to accept it.

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