Chapter ~ 18

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Epilogue || Gabriel Lewis

Life is pretty weird if you think about it, I mean who knows what tomorrow brings? Who knows where you will be in 20 years. I certainly didn't expect my life to be what it is now.

I have two children for god sake! I know I basically raised the twins but still I have two humans that call me Dad! How bloody weird!

My baby boy, Xavier. He was our first child, I fell in love with him the minute I set eyes on him in the state foster home, his story almost mirroring my own just at a younger age. His mother died in a car crash and his father became abusive.  He was small and terrified of the world around him, so my heart just went out to the boy and I needed him to be mine.

Then there is Autumn. She is my little spit fire, her personality matches her fiery red hair, and blazing green eyes. She is definitely Jaxon's child, same short temper, same determination that her father has, with the soft loving side that has strong protective streak to protect the people she cares for.

Jack and Lillian just celebrated their twenty fifth birthdays, they have grown into to beautiful young adults, with their own family's to take care of. I'm an uncle of a nephew and two twin nieces, who are absolutely gorgeous and I adore.

Jack married his high school sweetheart, Isabella and welcomed my nephew Kole into the world two years ago. Jack and Hunter have become successful business owners. Co-owning a sporting franchise together, Iron Productions which specialises in creating sporting equipment, they have a few Gyms being opened around the America too.

Lillian is engaged to Mark, a man she met on a pilgrimage through Cambodia four years ago. He works as a priest in a private all boys school. Lilly works as a special needs teacher assistant in her local school. They welcomed twin little girls Cassandra and Talia, 7 months ago. My nieces are absolutely beautiful having their mother's blue eyes and their fathers curly brown locks.

Hunter is in the process of Migrating to Australia, so Iron Productions can become an international brand, plus Australia is one of the country's that has expressed interest in the company.  He married Tara a few years ago and are expecting their own in 6 months, the gender has been kept under wraps.

Jaxon Coles has become a big name in the MMA fighting industry, having won championships left, right and centre, breaking stereotypes as he goes. Amazingly there is only one other male fighter that is openly apart of the lgbtq community.

His fighting career has slowed down slightly in the past 5 years so he could be with his children. He has opened up his own gym and training school for young wanna be fighters. The gym is heavily sponsored by jack and hunter who provided all the equipment for it.

I've some how managed to get my self a masters degree in nursing which has led to me being chief nurse at the local hospital. Though it's stressful and has long hours I love my job. 


"Dad I'm going to become the president of America" Autumn said walking out of her room, hair brush in hand. "And when I am president I'm going to put all the stupid people in jail" she said determinedly. I chuckled pulling a brush through her red, curly locks, humming in response.

"What happened to being a formula one race driver?" I asked my eight year old daughter, smiling amused at her, shrugging she looked at her purple painted nails "that was so yesterday Dad, I'm a big girl now, I need to have a proper job when I grow up" she stated, making me laugh as I thread her hair through the thick hair band before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

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