Chapter 30 : Wait

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3 years later

"Ahem- Are you willing to catch my heart when I fall for you?" *wiggles eyebrows*

"Can you not be so persistent Mike? I mean, it's been 3 years already and now you're trying to flirt again using a new tactic a.k.a lame pick up lines? And mother, why are the tip of your ears turning red?" *face palms*

"Can I borrow your camera? Because I want to picture us together" *winks winks*

"Mike! Don't you know the meanings of 'Rejection'? 'Useless'? 'Give it up'? Or 'Forget it'? And 'Move on'? Hey Mike? Mike! Are you even listening?" The girl asked even though she got no replies in return.

"You are like carbon dioxide and I, a tree~ guess what we produce?~~~" *smiling wryly*

"That's so innapropri-" said the 10 year's old girl.

"Shush~~ I'm busy here~~~ let's argue later~~~" said the man while making a shooing hand gesture as he stared at the slowly reddening woman across the aisle in the kitchen.

"Now where was I? Oh, can I take the letter 'M' from the word 'Mother' and make it 'Mine' ?" The man said as he continued to stare at the dumbstruck woman.

"Somebody please call Thor for me, I want him to help me smash this man to the ground, straight into the underworld"

"If you're favorite vegetable is called cucumber, then you can be my favorite cutecumber"

"Wha-" Lystra who never have fallen in love, much less being flirted to, became flustered from these teasings.

"You know what Mike? I have some pickup lines for you too. You know people bury their feet in shoes these days? I would be glad to bury you 7 feet underground for free. With a bonus of you either being Dead or alive"

"I beg your pardon? You want to kill ME? Who are you to tell me these things?"

"I am a Grim Reaper with a lonely scythe and I would be honored to meet it up with your neck"

"My my, are you so jealous that she's focusing on me more than you? Why don't you just face it and go plant something like a 'realization' in your brain?"

"I think you need to go to a surgeon because your nose is too high up in your brain making you go crazy because of smelling your stupidity"

"Excuse me little miss! Just because yo-"

"Wait, I'm not done yet. Your element is connected to dirt right? Which means that you were meant to be stepped on"

"SHUT UP" Lystra snapped as she glared at the both of them who's gaze refuse to back down from the other's stares.

"Why don't the BOTH of YOU go out and buy me somethings"

"But he/she started it!" They said as they pointed at each other.

"No buts!"

"But he-"

"But she-"

"I SAID NO BUTS!! or else someone is going to sleep under the peaceful night sky for the whole week"

*sounds of thunder*

"Peaceful night sky" Lystra smirks evilly as she stares at the frozen two.

The both of them then sigh heavily as they walk away, when suddenly Lystra called for Mike at the last minute.

"Mike" Lystra said helplessly.

"Yes, M'lady~~~?" Mike asked with an expression of pure joy.

"Why?" Lystra has a dejected expression as she said those words, as if she knew it's pointless.

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