17 | Hope

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WE BROKE IT. We broke the promise. The promise to see each other after school at your doorstep? Yes, it was broken. Gone - and so were you.

I'd ended the school day happily, rushing to be the first one downstairs and to my locker and out of the school. I'd barely been able to fully zip my backpack and that was all it took to make my things slip out of my bag and onto the dirty floor.

They were scattered, and it took even more time to get them back from that one group of boys who never had anything better to do than just lounge around the emergency exit afterschool. No matter how many times the janitor yelled at those damn boys, they never moved.

So, yes, I took some time to get to your house. I'd stopped at McDonald's to buy the two of us lunch, and I'd continued on. I'd seen those little kids again, playing outside in their fluffy coats. It reminded me of the time I'd found you crying on your doorstep.

I never asked you again about that day. I didn't think you'd want to speak about it, it'd slipped my mind. I caught you in such a vulnerable position, it still shocked me at times. Ever since then, I'd never seen you cry again. You were always smiling or laughing while we walked from school together.

There were those rare moments where you stared off into space in silence, breaking out of your trance with an unusual question. Honestly, I never did have an answer, but I'd gotten used to them. Each one was more specific than the last.

Did you ask those questions because of your condition, Mabel? I'd forgotten to ask, maybe today would be the day to find my answer. I sure hoped you obliged.

The kids had waved cheerfully at me and I'd waved back, continuing on my way towards your house. It'd been pretty far into your neighbourhood then, so it took a while for me to get there. Our walks to your house were long and enjoyable though I always got upset when we finally made it.

You'd always laugh, pressing a small kiss to my cheek before walking onto your porch and into your house. I'd touched my face, smiling a wistful smile at the feeling of your soft lips on my cheek.

The deafening sound of an ambulance rushing through the streets and past me ripped me away from my thoughts. The sound of its siren caught the attention of everyone outside, each person with an equally concerned look on their face.

A sudden wave of anxiety ran through me and my eyes had widened a moment before I broke into a run towards your small house. With every pounding footstep, I wished with all of my heart that the ambulance wasn't here for you.

With every exhale, I wished and wished that it would all be some sort of mistake and that you'd come out of that house worried, but safe. And alive.

But all hope left me when I saw you being rolled out and into the back of the ambulance whilst your mother cried.


Oh, Mabel Clark | BWWM ✔️Where stories live. Discover now