Chapter 2: Taylor Chesterfield

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Throughout the story it will be Leading back to the first Chapter so the pilot is very important and plays a big part in this story!!

Taylor Chesterfield, the new girl in town. A mysterious yet spontaneous person. Is she predictable? No. You never know if she's going to help you or not.

'I'll pass, I mean I don't usually sit with wannabe morons on my first day' Taylor replied with sarcasm in her tone as she declines Jessie's offer to sit with them.

'Take a risk! Be spontaneous, you're mysterious, I like that, we don't see much of that in this prestige school, and you're clearly out of place. So if you want to survive in this school, you better play by my rules or this is going to be absolute hell for you.' Jessie threatens her as she does her classic cold stern face.

'Damn!! Am I supposed to be scared of you? Cause all I see is a pathetic attention thriving monster. You're like a nightmare dressed like daydream.' Taylor snapped.

Jessie humphed and led her posse to walk down the hallway.

So, I bet you're wondering: So? Why is Taylor so important? Well, because she reveals the true colors of Jessie, something she doesn't see everyday.

This conversation rang in her mind for the rest of the day. She thought: Does that girl think that she Can not play by my rules? That skank is way out of her league... The former self of Jessie was trying to come out. The mean girl was just a cover. She felt threatened and scared in that moment. Can I really just throw away my past life and change myself? Am I still that nerd that just likes reading books?

Trapped in thought, she didn't notice her door open: it was her band of girls, One of them said: 'It's time.'

'Let's do this' Jessie mischeviously said.

Read the next Chapter (Midnight) to find out more about the girls.

To be continued...

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