Chapter 9: Allyson Jones

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Allyson will become a main character and she will be very important in the story so this chapter is fully from her perspective

I used to drive myself crazy. Maybe I still do. All of this is still too overwhelming for me. I don't think I can even put my emotions into words.

It was terrifying in there. It was like not only was I trapped physically, but also in a mental cage. The world was shut out from me for 2 weeks. It was absolutely horrifying.

I was a popular girl before this all happened. Back in Philly. I studied in West International High.

'My number? Ha! In your dreams, boy' I smirked as I banged the boy's locker and walked away with charm.

People said I had 'the charm'. I mean maybe I do, and maybe it kind of gives me a superior reign that dominates me over others. Yes, I was the princess of the school. I had 'everything', rich boys to million dollar toys. But, it was neve what I wanted. Uh-uh.

There was always this hole in my heart. I guess I had just been trying to fill it. Fill it with popularity, high acedemic results, building a good reputation. But, it never worked out.

That hole in my heart was once filled with memories and thoughts of my time with my all time best friend, Taylor. Taylor was a caring, beautiful, popular and strong young lady. I always admired her for being so strong, even during the midst of her family's drama and conflict. 

Let me tell you a story about our friendship

I remember it as clear as crystal. It was May 11th. The air was humid as it was a rainy day. A week before, I auditioned for the school play, and I worked extremely hard on it. Taylor was helping me practice my lines. 'I know you wrote this monologue so it's easy to memorize, but Nerdy Nelly? That's so stereotypical!' She said as we laughed in humour. 'It's called creativity' I said with sass. We were so sure that both of us were going to get in, and we would be the sisters of the play, and it would be a dream come true! Working with my all time bestie while starring in the school play! I was so confident that I was going to get in! 

On May 11, the list of the play characters were posted on the bulletin board, and I flew out the classroom to the hallway as I saw a swarm of people surrounding the list. At first, I didn't see my name. Maybe I was cast for another role? I thought curiously. I scanned the list again but there was no sign of my name. Then I looked at it again, I saw a name. But it wasn't mine. Taylor's name. She had got the role. 

I thought to myself, OH MY GOD! She got in and I didn't? 

I knew I wasn't supposed to be jealous, but I was. She was my best friend. I know it wasn't her fault that she got in and I didn't, but...but... I stared at the floor. A tear came from my eye. That turned to weeping. I buried my hands in my face as I ran into the girl's restroom. I locked myself in a cubical, hoping to stay here forever, where I didn't have to face anyone. 

Not only was I devastated, I was furious. Furious that Taylor got in and I didn't. That miniscule tint of jealousy grew. It grew as I heard her come in the restroom. 'Oh My God Taylor! You got in! Congrats girl!' One of her other friends said. Taylor reluctantly replied as she scanned the restroom. 'Yea...thanks. I was hoping to get the role with Allyson though. Where is she? I have to find her.' 

'Yea well, I have to get to class.' The girl said as she left the restroom. I thought both of them left already, so I continued weeping. 'Allyson? Is that you?' I froze in silence. 'I'm Taylor. Come out.' 

I was silent. 

'C'mon. It's okay. I know you didn't get the role--' She trailed off. 

'Seriously. Come out. You have me.' She continued. 'It's fine--'

'NO IT'S NOT FINE! NONE OF THIS IS FINE. YOU GOT IN AND I DIDN'T HOW...WHY???' I shouted as tears flew out of my eye. 

'It's fine. I'll grab you a tissue. I know how hard this is for you.' Taylor smiled in concern, trying to comfort me. 

'No. I need some time alone' I rushed out of the restroom as I blended in the hallway. Thank god for all the people. 

'I rushed into the nearest classroom. It was the art room. I didn't have the energy and mood to see if anyone was there. This was too overwhelming for me. 'Whyyy' I sighed as I wept.

'Hello? Are you okay?' Someone said behind the canvases. She stepped forward. 

'Alice? Oh My God help me Ali!' I said as I ran into Alice's arms. 

Next Chapter (Chapter 10: Art is never wrong) will be uploaded tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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