Chapter 6: Lost and Found

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The wind whistled in the darkness of the night. The air was dense as everyone rested.  Darkness dominated the sky and all was still. Except for these girls, as they embark on something they would never expect that will happen.

'Taylor? I knew it was you! You pathetic monstrous villainous piece of--' Eliza shouted.

'Chill! I was here looking for Jessie. Someone called me and said that if I don't look for Jessie they will reveal my... my....' Taylor stopped.

'Reveal what Taylor? AND WE HAVE NO REASON TO BELIEVE A WORD YOU ARE SAYING RIGHT NOW!' Zoe screamed furiously.

'Reveal. My true identity. I'm Bailey Hattman, from New York. Taylor is my middle name but I barely use it.  My parents broke up and my dad was addicted to drugs. He was caught selling them for another customer and he ended up in jail. I came here to start a new life. Perhaps a good one. I understand I may come across as dark but I just hate unfairness. And when someone controls others. It's unfair. Taylor(I'm just going to use Taylor or It'll be confusing) admitted, truthfully.

'Guys. I don't think she's lying.' Bethany replied. 'Well, even if she May be telling the truth, who is behind this? And there must be a reason.

'Perhaps Bad Karma.' Taylor replied.

'Huh? What's that?' Zoe asked.

'That's when the universe comes  back to  make you pay for something Bad you did.' Eliza explained.

'Taylor, let's go to the 2nd Cabin. We think Jessie May be there.' Bethany said.

'Let's Go!' Taylor replied.

The door creaked as the rusty cabin opened. Inside was pitch black except for the moon shining a dim light. A coffin stood in the center of the empty room.

'OH MY GOD A COFFIN!' Eliza screamed. The girls quickly backed away. 'AHHHHH'

But Taylor walked towards it. And opened the handle. And Inside there was a...

'A ladder?' Zoe exclaimed. Taylor climbed down.

The only think lighting the room up was a torch.

A trail of blood caught Taylor's eye. She anxiously tiptoed towards the blood.

'PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!' A voice echoed the air.

'Who's there?' Taylor muttered.

The girl came out to the light.

'ALLYSON?' Taylor screamed.

How does Taylor know Allyson? Find out in Chapter 7: Friends

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