Chapter 7: Friends

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They swam around in the blazing sun, throwing water balloons and spraying water with water guns onto each other. Time flied everytime they were together, they were inseperable. How easy it had been for Taylor and Allyson, how naive their minds were back then. But it all changed.

Present Day

'Allyson? How? Why are you Trapped in here? C'mon, let's get you out first.' Taylor shockingly said. Allyson was trembling as she was extremely frightened. It was clear from her facial expression she had gone through a lot.

Allyson was a blond, she had stripes of platinum blond through the roots of hair. She wore a Blue dress that was stained with spatters of blood. She was barefoot and eyes looked terrfied, even after they got out.

Stephanie got the 3 girls phone call and came rushing: 'Sorry I needed to retake a tes- WHO IS THIS? AND WHY ARE YOU COVERED IN BLOOD?'

'This is my childhood friend Allyson. I don't know why she's here but she's very traumatic right now. Let's all let her calm down first. She's not ready' Taylor said in confidence.

'No. You don't know how it feels down there. We're taking a trip to the police station. I need to tell them everything.' Allyson said.

The girls arrived at the police station. It was Currently 8pm already but they still haven't found Jessie yet.

Stephanie whispered to Taylor, 'We still haven't found Jessie yet. And why are we trusting you?' Taylor whispered back, 'I'll explain later. We have to Get to the cops.'


'I'll book you a therapy Session by Tommorow afternoon, check your emails. You have a device to acess the internet, correct?'

Allyson shook her head anxiously. The akward silence between her and the police was interrupted by Taylor, 'I'll lend her my tablet' 'Thanks' Allyson replied.

Zoe had overheard the conversation. She was surprised how caring and selfless she was to Allyson. They must've been really good friends before.

Then, Allyson walked up to the others, she said, 'Hello. We haven't met properly. I am Allyson Jones, from the suburbs of Texas. I visited East Manhattan 2 months ago. But I got captured, because..... Well let's just say I knew too much. About this girl who I was friends with after Taylor moved, she was called Jessie.'

The girls including Taylor backed away and covered their mother in shock, as Eliza confirmed, 'Wait. Jessie Argent? That's the reason why We're here in the first place. She's missing.'

'You guys know Jessie? Oh My God. That's surreal. What a coincidence!'  Allyson said.

'Knowing this town. This isn't a coincidence.' Bethany exchanged glances with the other girls.

The girls exchanged information about Jessie and got to know each other as they passed through the cemetery. One grave on the border caught Taylor's eye. It said:
Isabella Argent
'Bad Karma'

'Wait. What? Bad Karma?' Eliza questioned. 'I'm starting to think it runs in the family!'

Extra long Chapter this time! Thanks for all the support guys!

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