Chapter 4: Shatters

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Do you ever get so lost in thought the world around you just dissapears into a crisp? Not many naive souls Can answer 'yes', but Jessie can.

'Um...because she died and he got poisoned too?' Jessie answered Ms. Jefferson's question of 'Why did Romeo commit suicide after Juliet's death?'

'Partly incorrect...stay focused Jessie, we have a test on monday.' Ms. Jefferson said in surprise as she did not see her usual good student.

Jessie still had a strong passion for learning after she transformed....but today something else was on her mind, a continuous distraction.

Even the girls had noticed something was off about Jessie. She drove back home for lunch period. 'Perhaps the Math test?' Zoe discussed with the other girls. ''s about that night.' Bethany immediately replied as they were eating lunch.

'Missing a spot, huh?' The girls was disturbed by the mysterious and dark Taylor who stared blankly into the seat Jessie was supposed to sit in. Then, she swung her bag across to the chair and sat down. 'You Can't just invite yourself to sit with us, besides you declined Jessie's offer!' Eliza scowled. 'I just did. What are you going to do. Call Jessie?' Taylor replied with sarcasm and a tint of laughter in her words. The girls anxiously shrunked in their chairs, silently accepting defeat.

'Wow! It's like you guys Can't stand up to me! All you have is Jessie? You four are so much stronger together compared to her!' Taylor exclaimed with shock.

The girls continued to be silent.

'Listen, you don't need Jessie! You need to stay true to yourself and stop acting like a dog with a bone to Jessie!' Taylor said.

'Stop! We need Jessie to survive. Without her, we will Get hell. Absolute hell. And trust me, you don't want that. So stop trying to manipulate us, and leave us alone!!' Stephanie snapped.

'Haha! I guess you are fiesty. See ya in 'hell', lunatics!' Taylor joked as she strike down the cafeteria halls back to class.

'That girl has a point. We Can't keep being controlled like slaves' Eliza said.

A continous ring came from Bethany's pocket. It was Jessie. Bethany picked up the call, and put it on speaker. A low voiced man spoke: 'Find Jessie in 12 hours or say goodbye. Tick. Tock.

Find out what is going to happen to Jessie and the girls, in 'Chapter Five: Time is Ticking'

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