Chapter 12: New Clues

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Hey Guys! Sorry that the last few chapters have been posted late and the quality of the writing is not very good- but just to reminisce: thanks for all the support! And since I am on Spring Break I will be posting long and better quality chapters more frequently! Enjoy!

Throughout the ride to the police station, Taylor explained everything to the girls.

Taylor's POV

The cops said that they found some new clues that linked to Jessie's disappearance and needed us to clarify some information about her. 

I walked around the hallways as I saw a room that caught my eye. It was a big meeting room with a bulletin board in front of the table. It was sort of like a mind map. My brain processed the information as I looked at the complex webs of pictures and captions. The one in the middle was a photo of Jessie. It labeled: Missing Victim. Then there were links to all the 4 girls in her posse, and each one respectively gave their names and some information. Then, further down the web, I saw my name. 

What? Why would my name be on there? 

I thought as I scanned the caption. It said. "Taylor Chesterfields. 5'7. 16 Years Old. Transfer student at East Manhattan High." After that, linked to me was the picture of the broken glass mirror and the letter that was on my floor. And, linked to that was Jessie and the other 4 girls. It captioned, "Prank on Taylor led by Jessie, Stephanie, Zoe, Bethany, Eliza. Theory: Conflict between Taylor and Jessie created motive for Taylor to kidnap Jessie." 

I was shocked. How could they label me as a possible suspect? I literally knew her for one day. There might be Bad Blood between us, but that is normal for teens. Right? 

My mind filled with fury as I rummaged through my bag for my phone. I took a quick snapshot of the mind map and rushed out of the meeting room, preventing anyone from seeing me inside. 

I need to be careful. If anything about that night the girls found me in the woods get out, I'll be in trouble...

Stephanie's POV 

The female police asked, 'Firstly, before we inform you further on our new discoveries. I would like to ask if your guess on who captured Jessie has changed?'

I hesitated. 'No. Taylor's the one'

I don't know what I feel about Taylor. Every time I try to accept her and be friends. I still remember how she threatened our trust with Jessie. Even though she is pretty indulged in Jessie's disappearance...There's still something weird about her. I can feel it. I mean, why would she be there on the night when the guy told us to look in the woods? She was looking too? I don't believe it. I feel like she's just trying to be one of us so that she earns our trust and she gets eliminated from the suspect list.

'Very Well. Now. After searching Taylor's house after Jessie's disappearance, we have analyzed the glass and lipstick used on it. It is indeed Jessie's.' The Cop said.

'So? I know that.' 

'That is correct. In addition, we have found fingerprints and DNA on the glass and the lipstick. However, the lipstick is the same one that we have found on the hatch of the coffin that Allyson was stuck in. Therefore, there is a chance that Jessie was linked to the kidnapping of Allyson, which also might link Allyson to Jessie's disappearance as she possibly has a motive because of this.' 

'Oh My Gosh! But do you have any information on the one who texted us?' I asked.

'Yes. The search took 4 days but we have traced the IP address to a bunch of cabins in the woods in Maine. I can print out the address for you now. 

Wait, What? The caller was exactly located where we found Allyson? 

'Oh. And also. The caller goes by the name "J.A.NYC"

"J.A." Wait-isn't that the initials of Jessie? Jessie Argent? And NYC? What?

After that, we were all sent home.

Does Allyson have anything to do with Jessie's disappearance? Did Jessie kidnap Allyson? And who is "J.A.NYC"? Find out next chapter.

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