Chapter 3: Midnight

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The clock struck 12 as the 5 girls crept down the ladder leading down to the ground from Jessie's room.

We all know the story of Cinderella, when she turns back into a literal slave to her evil stepmother and stepsisters. Is Jessie going to turn back to her former nerdy self?

'Earth to Jessie!! Hello? I thought it was your idea for the prank to Get back at Taylor? What's troubling you?' Eliza asked.

'Yeah! Let's do this! Sorry... I just have this Math test tommorow' Jessie lied

'Shhh!!! We don't want to Get caught, do we?' She silently exclaimed as she lead her group across the fence of Taylor's house. She found her adress from a letter sticked to her locker: it was a love letter. She thought: A love letter! Surprising! Considering her boring personality. Whatever! Probably another thing to blackmail her with. She smirked in slyness, as she stuffed the letter to her purse.

12:46am-- Taylor was sound asleep until she heard a sound come from the kitchen. Footsteps. She has excellent hearing. In curiousity, she tiptoed towards her door and peeked out for a bit.

Whispers decorated the air as she searched for a mirror. Finally she found one in front of the stairs. It was on a coffee table leaning on the wall. 'It's perfect!' claimed Jessie. She rumaged through her purse for her classic rose red lipstick. As she used the lipstick to write a message on the mirror, a door creaked. Footsteps echoed around the hallways as Jessie signaled for the girls to move.

One of the girls, Bethany, accidently bumped into the coffee table and had broken the mirror. The clashes and high-pitched sound hurt Taylor's ear. 'What's going on down there?' She thought.

As the girls ran out of the house, something dropped out of Jessie's bag... but she didn't notice as she was too focused on escaping... so the girls left the secrets in Taylor's house as they ran from the truth.

Taylor arrived downstairs, shocked to see the broken mirror: Someone was in here. Who was it though? She traced the shatters of glass to the back door, which on the floor was a love letter, to her, and a bright red lipstick.

What's in that letter? Will the lipstick be useful?

To be continued...

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