Chapter 14: It's just the beginning

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Aren't we all just a little bit dark inside. Looks are deceiving in this world. Positivity is highly overrated. It's used to hide the darkness and negativity hid within us. Perhaps it helps us, but sometimes it's just like a bottle, every deep and dark emotion or thought drops into that bottle, till someone opens the cap and it all explodes. When that cap opens, everyone sees your true colors, can we still be a bundle of joy after that?


The news of the girls had raised suspicion and attention on them. Overnight, everyone knew about it, and when I say everyone, I mean everyone. All eyes were on us that day, and the girls felt pressured and stressed, with the intimidating texts they were all getting, and the manipulation that affected the entire school from this random BK Douche. 

It was lab period, and Taylor and Allyson were in the same class, and with the suspicion on them, they got excluded from the others and naturally became lab partners. Today they were using exotic flowers to mix into a bubbly substance to examine. They were all spaced out with all the thoughts in their head, until a familiar yet unwanted text message ring snapped the two awake from their thoughts. It was from BK. 

'Careful of that potion girls, one drop from that and you'll be revealed and your true identity will be known, a lying witch.' 

These threats were really scaring the girls...

Allyson's POV

Why was someone sending us these threats? Are they just playing a prank or what? We didn't do anything wrong. But these threats have been going on way too long, I thought it was just a joke...but this is the last straw! 

I whispered to Taylor: "Should we tell a teacher about this?"

We discussed it for a while, and we decided to show the guidance counselor about this entire thing, I mean...we have nothing to loose, Right?


After 6th Period, the girls met up for lunch in the cafeteria. As they were planning what to say to the guidance counselor, a brown-haired girl walked past with her friends, giving a obnoxious grin, and joked, "Scheming on what to do with Jessie? You guys are such desperate wannabes..." 

"Look who's talking, butthurt freak. You're so easily decieved from obviously fake rumors! Get a life, gossip girl!" Taylor fired back with confidence and sass as she raised her eyebrow. 

After School, they made a stop at the Guidance Counselor's office, and took a deep breath before they walked in. 

"You guys ready?" Zoe asked.

They all nodded in unison as they all walked in and took a seat. 

"Is there something I can help with, girls?" Counselor Kassandra asked. 

"Well, Miss Kassandra, I think you understand that we have been effected by the abrupt dissapearance of our best friend and leader, Jessie. However, that is not at the top of list of problems we are dealing with. We are dealing with a stalker, or shall I say, a cyber-bully. He? She? IT? I don't know, goes by the name of BK. And the texter has been sending us numerous threats and terrifying messages." Jessie summarized. 

"These are the messages-" They all looked at their cell phones in aw, as they found something absolutely unbelievable....

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