Chapter 15 - Schmoosing

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Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity . --Henry Van Dyke

Chapter 15 - Schmoosing

Our second meeting with Roger Payne and his agent was very productive, due mainly to Rachel's insistence that we were not huge media company that would come in a micromanage every aspect of the business. The part of me who wants to hold her responsible for my grandfather's insistence that she's the perfect match (however idiotic that type of thinking is) has got to hand it to her, she knows how to smooth waters with diva personalities.

By dinner the second day, I had a new appreciation for the Senator's daughter. Even though she's not part of the negotiations, she's invaluable when it comes to the entertaining Roger. It's more for her as it is for me, but I can see the budding friendship developing. Chandler's friendship with Rachel, on the other hand, is in full bloom.

"Alright, now that I have your attention, what's on the agenda for today?" Rachel says in her perky little manner as she sits down for breakfast. "It's a nice day. I don't want to stay cooped up forever."

"What do you suggest?" Chandler asks with humorous anticipation.

"We could walk over to Mud Island and enjoy the bank. Look at me. I'm as white as a ghost. I need some sun." Her first suggestion isn't met with the fanfare she was hoping for, but she was undeterred. "I could get Roger to come along. Then, we could hop the trolley for barbeque."

Chandler nudges me before I got a full eye roll out of my system. "Clearly you don't understand. Roger is still thinking of you as some corporate hot shot. He needs to see you're down to earth.... family. When you're with him later, make sure you let him know you're from a little state just across the river. Charleston may be pretty, but he thinks of you as someone from very far away. He's been here all his life, he a simple man with a big talent, and he's looking for you to be a simple man, too. So, for a day, strip off the suit, dress in something fitting the weather, and let's have some fun."

I listen to the ladies during breakfast, not contributing to the conversation. Chandler touches my hand every so often, letting me know when to nod and agree to what they were planning. Mentally listing the choices Aunt Regan gave me, I begin to think of my future.

Pulling out my phone, I tap a message to Tonya to get me an appointment. Chandler looks over before I hit send, and I smile, knowing this is probably my only true option. "I love you," I whisper in her ear, as much for me as it is for her.

Rachel eyes us and gives me a tight smile. She knows what's going on between us, but we are hands off when it comes to dealing with Roger.

With our day partially set, Chandler and I leave to change into more casual attire. "Are you going to tell me what's going on with you and Rachel?" She asks, not mincing words.

"Grandfather," I say, hoping that his name is explanation enough. She locks me with a furled brow, demanding I finish explaining. "He's got his mind set that Rachel is the perfect girl for me. I've known this for a few weeks, and her showing up here threw me off kilter."


"I know. She's not a threat, but it's the idea he's playing god in my life that still has me on edge."

"You knew he was like this before you ever started working for him."

"I know. Before it was annoying, but now..."I feel my face soften as I look at her. "I want to marry you, but we have a lot of things to settle first, and I don't dare ask as long as I have friction from him. It wouldn't be fair for either of us."

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