Chapter 2 Flag Posts

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Makura: Gin it's already been 3 hours bud this power terminal is a failure you're just a moth waiting to get flamed. We might really have to pull back for now. Hey Lian guard us on all eyes on our six.

Lian: Roger that General Makura sir! Ok Gin we've been here long enough we can set one up next month.

Gin: But sir, Lian, if we don't finish this now this place will just be a waste I mean look at it. This is a signature location all I need to do is relay a few more circuits and link the solar power stasis field to the generator.

Amane: And what of it? We got most of what we could there's plenty of salvages elsewhere. Though I can't disagree with the fact that this is a good spot for importing and shipping off supplies to other bases.

Makura: What do you think of all this Nolxe is this place worth the risk to you?

Nolxe: General I agree with Gin on this he is right but we may need to spend an extra day or 2 guarding it.

Amane: Pfft that figures, and that means no sleep and last I check we've only got 4 vials of that insomniatic super soldier juice.

Makura: Lian?

Lian: Well we are looking pretty good on a few supplies I mean we should be able to manage ourselves within the ammo department though we are still low on grenades with a few cocktails.

Amane: Ha that won't do us any good up against a phantom.

Lian: Please reframe from speaking in those terms Amane right General?

Makura: No worries this area may have a couple of mutant monsters here and there but the probability of a phantom class type mutant showing up is highly unlikely.

Nolxe: Hey guys we've got trouble!!!

Scene: 2 hordes of midsized mutants creatures crowd and shriek in the distance. The sound of gunshots can be heard about 3 to 4 and a half blocks down.

Makura: Gin we kinda have to get going how much longer until it's finished?

Gin: Apparently 1hour for full throttle sir!!

Nolxe: Ok that sounds good

Makura: That's better than good. Gin we're all counting on you. This will soon become a viable asset in our overall endeavors.

Amane: Well, of course, he's practically a "genius" what could we ever do without jolly ole Gin here.

Scene: Nolxe approach Gin in a lively manner.

Nolxe: Everyone here believes in you Gin we're all in this so let's make it together!!!

Rimelo: Let's do dis I'm ready to make mutant chili soup!!! Or stir-fry em all!!

Makura: To your respective stations everyone Lian you come with me.

Lian: I'm on the double sir.

Scene: Lian pairs up with General Makura towards the front of the warehouse factory like build. Nolxe pairs up with Gin near the power terminal near the very rear of the warehouse. Both Amane and Rimelo guard outside of the gates a little far from the warehouse but not too far in the opposite direction of Where Lian and General Makura is guarding against inside the Gates.

Amane: I wish this would never have happened ya know?

Rimelo: It's a mystery cake on a daily basis. You never know when there's gonna be literal actual shit in it.

Amane: The way you talk sometimes.

Rimelo: Um well it happened to me once at an old friends birthday party. His parents hated him so much that because he was turning 21 and going to college. They worked on a ranch in somewhere in Areiza. Don't ask me the city name because I can't remember it properly anyway. So long story short they made a nice but lean 3 layered just pure chocolate cake and guess what, they filled it up with a heaping pile of cow manure and not only that they served that shit to all of his friends, I included. So it turns out I guess we were all full of nak nak on that day.

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