You're gonna have to follow me under it

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A/N:  Lol, more secrets revealed. Drama drama....


"Whoa! Who are you?", Mike said and at the moment when the words came out of his mouth he already realized who.

"Oh! Hi! You must be Mike! I'm Phoenix. Or Dave. Usually Dave cause they don't remember my nickname. And if they are drunk then especially Dave. Or if Chester is really drunk then again Phoenix. But yeah, sorry we didn't met yet. I usually work evening shift so the morning shift was just... well coworker was sick and I had to step in. Good money so I don't mind, but I like sleeping more", the dude standing in the kitchen blabbered.

In his kitchen. Basically it was Mike's kitchen too now even when he yet didn't feel home, like he belonged. So much to get used to. This person was cooking some chicken and being as friendly as they would have known for years.

"Yeah, sorry. I knew it was you just was surprised", he mumbled.

"No worries. You have lot to catch up", the other smiled.

The half Asian stood to look at the cooking just feeling weird. Same time it was so warm welcome to get home and see someone casually cooking there and then it was confusing. He shook his head and was about to get to his room.

"This is what I do when I can. Cause otherwise they would eat only take out. So while you go there could you please tell Brad that dinner is ready in half an hour. And obviously I made enough for all of us so join if you don't mind", Dave said.

He nodded and walked upstairs. Brad's door was closed so he knocked instead than just going in. Joe's room was weirdly only one that had a lock, even the bathroom door didn't have one.

"Hey Brad? Dave told me to tell that the dinner is ready in half an hour", he yelled through it.

"Okay! Thanks Mike, I'll be there", the other yelled back.

The half Asian shook his head and get to his room. There was still some time for daylight so using it to drawing was a good idea. He dug up his pencils and sketch pad and started.

In the other room Brad groaned glancing at Rob who was staring at him.

"Too close", the taller man said.

"Well he knocked", Brad grabbed him back to a kiss.

The other tried to wiggle free first but surrendered then allowing Brad to pull him in top of him.

"No really. I'm not kidding. We need to stop doing this", Rob frowned.

"Don't care. Not now", the other gasped biting Rob's bottom lip and grabbing his shirt.

"Seriously, fuck off", Rob got up swatting the hands off that were trying to grab him.

Brad sighed watching the other slam the door shut leaving him alone with his aching boner. The other was right but he knew he also got what he wanted eventually so he didn't bother to run after Rob and draw the attention to them. He stayed there for a good while trying to direct his thoughts elsewhere and then when he finally was comfortable enough he stepped up and got downstairs to the kitchen.

"Just in time. Grab the plates, will you", Dave said placing a large pan on the middle of the table.

He glanced at the half Asian that was placing utensils on the table. Their kitchen table was large but wobbly and the chairs weren't matching. Just like the tableware, they didn't have even matching plates. But they managed. Chester wasn't allowed to do dishes after he had broken three glasses in a row. Mike stopped to stare at a bended fork sharing a glance with the thin man handing him a plate.

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