Time is a valuable thing

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A/N : So, everything must come to its end at one point. As will this story too. I don't even know what to say, I am so emotional right now. Sigh. Now I will let go of my baby.

For the final time, enjoy.


"Hey", Mike greeted Chester who was sitting on the familiar place on the table in their room.

"Hey", the other smiled back. He had the notepad on his lap, cigarette in the other hand, pen in the other hand and a coffee cup next to him. The only thing that separated this from the previous situations was that Chester's smile was perfectly happy and genuine. No dark shadows in his eyes, or a glassy stare. Just a bright smile.

It had been a week since they went on their date and really nothing had changed. Except for Chester's behaviour. He smiled a lot and seemed to be in a lighter mood. Mike knew the past wouldn't be left behind during one date but if it affected that well on Chester he was sure now he chose the right approach. And he loved every second they spent together. Even if it was just laying on the couch, watching a stupid sitcom and waiting for Dave to finish making the food. Just Chester's presence made his heart race.

In Mike's opinion, it wasn't him that did the change, but just the fact that he could be there for Chester. He had made sure he was available because he knew perfectly well how suddenly Chester could fall apart.

And as Chester watched Mike to sit up and ruffle his fluffy hair he could honestly say he felt safe. Mike hadn't given him any reason at all to feel uncertain. He still had his bad habits, but for now, he didn't even feel like seeking comfort from other men's beds would be a choice. Even if he couldn't talk he rather said to Mike that he felt bad and stayed. It was hard to even say it out loud but because Mike never forced him to talk he knew that they could just listen to the silence and their hearts beating and know that there would be another day. And that this time the dawn wouldn't break with heavy regret in his heart.

To Mike, it really had been natural. Even if Chester was the first real boyfriend he ever had had and they hadn't even said those words in a serious discussion, he felt that it was how it should be. He saw the sadness in Chester's eyes and knew that the words would come when it was the time. Hugging a sobbing man at four AM had never really been a thing he thought he would do, but as it obviously helped Chester that was what he was going to continue to do.

"So... today", Chester started finishing his cigarette and tossing the bud outside, "I need to visit Doug, but later could we maybe do something together? I am tired so... just something in the house maybe? Really don't feel like going out."

"Sure we can. Whatever you want. I need to finish my painting but I think I am able to do it while you are away", Mike yawned and checked his wristwatch. He loved lazy Sundays, and even if he knew he had homework it felt much more relaxed than on weekdays. The idea of spending it with Chester was perfect.

But Chester hated Sundays. They had always been a day in a week he felt the worst. Which was also why he tried to fill them up with action. Meeting up with friends, hook-ups, alcohol or if nothing else worked he just slept. For Mike, it was strange since it was just a day amongst others but he shrugged the feeling off. He would be there for Chester, even if he couldn't understand the connection to that particular day of the week.

"Dave is home too right?"

"Yeah. I think Rob and Brad too. Joe said he will visit his parents but would be home for dinner", Mike nodded and watched Chester toss the notepad on his bed and swing his legs over the edge of the table.

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