But they somehow keep holding me in

295 13 16

A/N: Late update, sorry. But I have have reasons! Fecking smut keeps happening (told you guys) and then it got ooopsies long. So yeah, warning for the smut and drug use. And I did include the joke, see if you catch it, buahahaha xD


"Oh shit, I'm sorry", Chester apologized cringing when Mike groaned turning around and opening one eye to look at him.

He had woke up to the ray of sun attacking his eyelids and as he opened them both now, he noticed Chester was sitting on the table and smoking a cigarette. The window was open and a light breeze made him shiver.

"Never mind", Mike yawned returning back to the previous days in his head.

Few days had passed and he had been busy with his school work. The situation in the house had stayed the same. Chester was annoying and flirting with him all the time. But then they also had great, rather deep conversations late at night and he had started to really like the man.

With Joe they had had gotten closer and he was still surprised how similar they were. Even without talking they seemed to agree with all sorts of things and exchange looks while the rest remained confused.

And with Brad they had gotten back to the 'old days'. Talking what happened to the people they had known and recapping all the fun stuff that had happened.

Dave was still busy and caring making sure they ate, and Rob seemed cranky and gloomy. Mike still didn't know why he was like that but unless Rob would be directly attacking him he decided he wouldn't bring it up with the man.

"Did you sleep well?", Chester said blowing up the smoke out from the window.

Oh my fucking god those lips. It isn't even eight in the morning and I'm already..., the half Asian kicked himself inwardly knowing he should do something about that. About himself rather. Chester was messing up his head in such high level that he was getting more and more confused.

"Yeah, sure", he mumbled trying not to stare. Or rather forcing himself to look elsewhere.

The other nodded and turned to look outside. "Good. What you up today?"

"No idea really. Laundry is the only thing I have to do", the half Asian shrugged.

"Well I'm off to my dealer. You... seem like a... well too kind so I'm not going to even ask do you want something", the other glanced at him and bursted into laughter then.

Wait what? Too kind?, Mike thought wondering should he feel insulted or be flattered.

"Oh... Weed you mean? I think Dave mentioned it", he answered. Not that he didn't know anyone who smoked pot but it just wasn't something he saw done often. Or did himself, except in some parties.

"Yeah. Well I love to share anyway, so...", Chester flicked the cigarette bud from the window and closed it.

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