3- New Family?

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🔥(Nashi's P.O.V)🔥

"Wait, staying here?" I said confused.

"Yep," Storm said popping the 'p.'

"Where will she sleep?" The girl with the blonde hair asked.

"I have a spare room," Storm said, "Anyways, Nashi, this is Nova," he said pointing to the blonde.

"Sup," she said nonchalantly.

"That's Reiki," he said pointing to a boy with red-purple hair.

"Hey, Princess," He teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"That's his older sister, Rosemary," Storm said while gesturing to a girl with scarlet hair.

"Hi," She said kindly.

"That's Gale," he pointed to the guy that had dark green hair and piercings. He was pretty intimidating and gave off a terrifying aura.

"Tch" He scowled coldly.

I sent him a glare.

"And this is my older brother, Rin, and my younger sister, Sylvia," He pointed to the two blue-haired siblings

"Hello," they said in sync

"Nice to meet y-"

I forgot that I was hurt. I passed out because of blood loss and tiredness. The last thing I felt was Storm running with me in his arms.


It was morning when I woke up. I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the light. I was in a soft bed in an unrecognizable place. I started waking up completely. Suddenly, I remembered what happened last night. I look at the leg that got stabbed; it was wrapped in bandages. Nothing really hurt though, so I got up from the bed.

How long was I out?

I left the room I was in and observed the place. I was in a warehouse. The walls were completely covered in graffiti. I walked down the stairs and saw the gang of thieves eating breakfast.

"Mornin'. How long was I out?" I hummed. I could smell the delicious aroma of bacon. I barely ate anything yesterday.

"Good Morning, sweetheart. You were unconscious for a day" Storm said cockily.

That nickname really annoys me. I didn't argue about it because I was too tired and weak.

"Call me 'Sweetheart' one more time and you'll be trying to speak to me through a swollen mouth, idiot!" I said harshly.

Everybody looked at me in astonishment. Their faces of surprise soon changed to fear, as Storm got up and walked over to me with clenched fists. He hovered over me and if looks could kill, I'd be a dead man. I refused to let him see I was scared, so I glared right back at him with a smirk on my face.

He grabbed my collar and pulled me close to his face. I could feel a dark aura around him.

"Call me that again, and I won't hesitate to kill you. Are we clear?" He said coldly.

"Crystal. But mess with me, and I won't hesitate to do the same," I said back fiercely as my fists started going on fire, "Don't try to touch me either," I said as I burned his wrist off my collar. "Ow!! You have magic!!??" He yelled while taking back his wrist.

Shit. I forgot I wasn't allowed to use magic. Sometimes I let my anger get the best of me. Then the unexpected happened.

He froze my feet to the floor. Does he have magic? Well of course he does, he just froze my feet to the floor.

"I surrender," I said. I didn't want to fight, at least not now. Besides, I'm still recovering from an injury.

"What, are you scared of me now?" He said with a cocky tone.

"No, I just don't want to make you cry," I said innocently.

"Watch it, Flame Brain," he said and walked back to the table. I followed behind him.

Everybody looked at me with surprised faces.

"Right back at ya, Ice Princess," I said with a smile.

I went to go sit at the table.

What's this guy's problem? He's a cinnamon roll one minute and then a heartless demon the next. I'm so confused.

"So, do you guys all have magic too?" I asked. If they do, then I finally found a place where I belong.

They all looked at Storm as if they needed permission.

"Just tell her," He said in annoyance.

"Yes. We do have magic," said Rosemary, "All of us."

"No. Friggin. Way. All my life I have always felt like I don't belong. At least up until now. I ran away from home just so I could be free." I felt tears in my eyes. I tried to hold the tears in but I didn't care if they saw me cry. I was finally at a place where I belonged. A place where I could be myself.

Silvia and Rosemary ran up to me and hugged me. Reiki, Nova, and Rin also got up and joined the hug. Then to my surprise, Storm and Gale joined the hug too. I cried even harder.

"Welcome to your new family," said Rosemary

I truly belonged here. This was my new home.

Song: Heathens
By: twenty one pilots

I got lots of feels writing this chapter. *Cry. Cry. Tear. Tear. Sniffle. Sniffle.* Hope you guys liked it. Don't forget to like and comment.


Editors Note:
Cry cry tear tear sniffle sniffle is mah thing from school. Alex apparently took it to Wattpad. Idek rn

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