9- I don't like her

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🔥(Nashi's P.O.V)🔥

It's been a week since Storm and I became sorta friends and I have been given the honor to go outside whenever I want.


It is currently Friday and I have nothing to do. It's kinda funny when you think about it. I live with a bunch of thieves and murderers, yet they don't really do anything.

I am currently on the leather sofa in the game room hoping that a cure to my undeniable boredom will just pop out of nowhere.

"Hey, Nashi we're heading to the guildhall. You wanna come?" Reiki said popping his head out of the doorframe.

"Guildhall? What guildhall?" I asked with a dumbfounded look.

"Did Storm not tell you?" He asked while tilting his head.


"Oh. Hold on, let me ask him; STORM!!! CAN NASHI COME TO THE GUILDHALL???!!!" He yelled

"SURE" I hear someone yell back.

"I guess you're coming with us," He said with a smile.

I quickly ran upstairs and put on black, ripped jeans, a white hoodie, and some black army boots. I looked at myself in the mirror and my hair was in its normal messiness which I didn't care about. I ran downstairs, saw everyone in the elevator, and the doors were closing.

I sprinted (and tripped) into the elevator just in time.


We've been walking for a good ten minutes. I tried to remember all the streets we were going on and all the turns we were making.

We finally stopped at a bar. The place had a sign on the top.


Why are we at a bar? Aren't some of us too young to drink?

We entered the bar and it was filled with many people. I had that strange feeling that I had the first time I met Storm and the others. Or when I was in the library with Levy. It was all around me. Maybe it was the sense of magical power.

I look back to all the times I have felt it and they all have to do with when magic's around. Maybe wizards can sense other wizards. I never knew this because I was closed up in a house all day.

People were eating, drinking, watching the news off of the lacrima television. The only thing I didn't like is that it reeked of alcohol.

"This is the guildhall?" I asked to particularly no one. I was a little bit underwhelmed.

"Not exactly," said Nova, "This is where we sometimes hang out, eat, drink, party, trash. You get the idea. But it's just a cover-up for the real guildhall. Not everyone in this room is a Fairy Tail member. The real guildhall is right below us," she explained.

Everyone walked over to a storage closet next to the bar. We all went inside and it was pretty roomy for a storage closet that was holding eight people. Gale pressed a button behind a shelf. A scanner slowly came down from the ceiling and scanned everyone at once. Once it scanned over my guild mark, my guild mark started glowing through my hoodie for like a few seconds and then it stopped.

"This lacrima scanner scans for the Fairy Tail guild mark," Rosemary explained.

Nothing was happening.

Storm x Nashi  (Fairy Tail Next Gen)Where stories live. Discover now