18- What The Hell Are You Doing Here?!

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🔥(Nashi's P.O.V)🔥

Turns out I was on my period.

Isn't life just great?

Every time I get my period, my instant bitch mode activates.

Because of the events that happened this morning, I forgot all about the massive hangover that I have.

Can somebody just kill me already?

I see Nova making what seems to be pancakes.

Let me tell you that they smell divine.

Storm walks in.

For some reason, I can't look him in the eye. He walks over to the fridge and pulls out a bunch of random ingredients. He put them all in a blender and blended it into a green liquid. He poured it into a glass cup and handed it to me.

"Drink," he said with no context.

I looked at it in disgust.

"Why?" I asked looking at the disgusting green liquid.

"It'll cure your hangover," he said.

I bring the glass to my lips and sip.

It tastes as bad as it looks. I put it down.

"I'm not drinking this." I look at him and cross my arms.

He doesn't seem to take 'no' for an answer.

He comes up behind me, tilts my head back with both his hands gently, and brings the drink to my lips.

I look him dead in the eyes and chug the whole thing down. I didn't even notice how horrible it tastes because I was so lost in his eyes. 

"Get a room," I heard Nova speak up, breaking me out of my trance. My face flushed and I started to get flustered.

I separated myself from him and served myself some pancakes. 

 They were exquisite.

I went upstairs and got ready to go out.

I was about to step into the elevator before I  got stopped.

"And where do you think you're going?" I here Storm's voice from behind me.

"Out,"  I say without even looking at him.




"I think you doubt me, Storm Fullbuster," I turned around and crossed my arm over my chest.

"After last night, I don't think I can let you out of my sight," He says.

"Listen. I just need to go buy something. I'll be back before you know it," I say stepping into the elevator.

"Just be careful," He says as the doors start to close.

"I will!" 


What I really wanted to buy was a pair of magic reading glasses. I saw them on sale and I just had to get them.

I made my purchase and walked out of the store. I  started to make my way home when I caught a glimpse of familiar blond hair. 


It can't be.

I  wasn't really sure because of the people walking in between us. I  tried to get closer to get a better look.

I recognized the multicolored eyes immediately. 

I mean how could I not?

They were looking straight at me.

I walked away in the opposite direction.

He definitely saw me. 

I tried to hide myself in the crowd.

Maybe he didn't recognize me. 


I need to get out of here. 

I looked over the crowd to see if I lost him. 

He was gone.

Oh, thank Mavis!

I  walk backward only to bump into something.

"Found you," I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I looked behind me to see a pair of glasses and spikey brown hair.

"Loki!" I  jumped back a few feet only to bump into another surface.

"Lucas?" I turn around immediately to see my big brother with a not so happy look on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I say while dragging his arm away from the crowd and into an ally way.

"What the hell am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here?! You've been gone for months!" he whisper yelled at me.

"Yes. And as you can see, I'm alive." I crossed my arms.

"Mom and Dad have been worried sick! Do you know how hard it is to have someone just run away and leave nothing but a note. For all we know you could've been dead. How could you put that burden on your own mother? Your own family?!" He yelled at me again.

I looked at the ground with guilt.

"You have to come back." He wasn't yelling anymore.

"I can't. I have a life here. A great one. I finally found the adventure I was looking for. And you can't take that away from me. I'm not going back!" I retorted.

"Come on!" He was starting to get annoyed with my childish behavior.

"No." I gave him a little shove.

He shoved me back and then one thing lead to another. Next thing I know, we're on the ground pulling each other's hair and punching each other in the face. 

We broke apart. He was going to attack me again until a flash of white stopped him

An arrow rested between him and me. What concerned me was what the arrow was made out of.


Uh oh.

I look up from the arrow and I see Storm tackling Lucas to the ground. 

"Oh my god," I mumbled to myself annoyed.

Who do I cheer for, exactly?

They were both pretty even based on fighting abilities. I couldn't tell who had the upper hand.

They're going to kill each other.

"Don't ever touch her again!" Storm yelled when something I've never seen before happened. 

His hair turned white along with his skin. His eyes changed from their normal blue color to silver.

This can't be good.

He used his magic to make a sword out of ice and started charging at my brother.

This is enough.

I let out an explosion of fire sending them both flying backward. 

"Now that I have your attention. Storm you can't kill him." I said as if it was obvious. 

"But he attacked you!" He looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Wait. You know this guy?" Lucas piped up.

"Yea. Lucas, this is my friend Storm." I introduced him.

"Storm, This is Lucas...

"My brother."

Storm x Nashi  (Fairy Tail Next Gen)Where stories live. Discover now