11- Her Smile

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❄️(Storm's P.O.V)❄️

I'm not a bad person.

At least I don't think I am.

I might seem like a bad person when you focus on the murders and the robberies and the fact that I sleep with too many women to count.

But aside from that, I'm just a guy who likes to spend time with his friends.

It's hard for me to get to like new people. I can be aggressive towards people who don't respect me for helping them escape someone who was trying to kill them and then giving them a place to sleep.

I don't like people who test my patience.

But there seems to be this one girl who quite good all of the above.

You guessed it.

Nashi "the pain in the ass" Dragneel.

I don't hate her. She just knows how to get under your skin.

She's pretty, though.

Pretty is an understatement. She's one of the most beautiful girls I've ever met.

And I've met a lot of girls.

She infuriates me. She angers me so much I could kiss that stupidly beautiful face of hers.

Not that I would actually do it.

If the opportunity arises, I guess I would.

Can you blame me?

She does these adorable things that are hard to resist.

Like when she bites her lip when she's thinking. How cute she looks when she wears her black thick-rimmed glasses. The way a tint of pink makes way to her face when I catch her staring at me.

I looked at her from across the room. We were all in the game room. I was sketching in my sketchpad.

Nashi was playing foosball with Gale on her team against Rin and Nova. Nashi scored a goal and her face lit up. She and Gale gave each other a high-five without even looking at each other.

I took notice of the thing that I like most about her.

Her smile.

She has the type of smile that makes you want to smile too.

I've only known her for a few months and I can't help but appreciate how beautiful she is from a distance.

I try to keep my distance from her. I don't like getting close to people due to the fear that I might hurt them.

That's why I got so mad when she left that one time without telling me. I'm growing to care about her more than I want to.

Fey hates her. Well, to be fair, Fey hates every female that is of the human race.

I look back down at my sketchpad and see at what kind of masterpiece I've conjured up in the last ten minutes.

I was drawing Nashi. I wasn't even trying to draw her, but my hand had other plans.

I was about to rip the paper off and throw it in the trash but I looked at it...

I kinda like it.

It looks just like her. I apparently put a lot of details into her eyes, hair, and body.

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