19- That's Gay

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Sorry it's been so long. I've been really swamped with school work. I made sure to make this chapter fun and pretty gay.

🔥(Nashi's P.O.V)🔥

"If he's your brother then why was he beating you up?" he asked while getting up and dusting himself off.

"It's how we solve our problems," I said. "Always has been. Always will be."

"Anyways, I can't believe you followed me!" I hit his arm.

"I can't believe this Jackass is your brother!" he retorted gesturing to my brother.

"And I can't believe you're willing to have an Asshole like him as your boyfriend!" My brother yelled from behind us.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I screech at him. 

"Yeah, right." He gives me a skeptical look.

"What did you call me?" Storm looked at him with a dark aura.

"Aw. Did I hurt your feelings? I was pretty sure a big  boy like you could handle it." My brother teased. He's good at that. He's good at getting under people's skin.

What happened next was kind of a blur. I just see Storm tackling Lucas again with his hair and skin pure white. 

Really? Again?

Loki suddenly appears next to me.

"Can't you do something?" I gesture the boys.

"Just let them blow off some steam," he says as he adjusts his glasses.

It was about an hour later until they finally both fell from exhaustion.

Loki and I were eating some sushi that we got while the fight was going on.

"This is really good sushi," Loki said while picking up a salmon nigiri from his box.

"One of the reasons I refuse to go back home. The food here is the best." I said as I put some wasabi and soy sauce on my tuna roll.

"You guys got sushi while we were trying to rip each other apart?" Lucas asked while sitting on the ground with his elbows resting on his knees. 

"Pretty much," I say as Storm's shirtless self decides to take a seat next to me against the wall.

"I got you a beer," I say as I pull a beer out of the plastic bag our food came in.

"Thanks." He cracks the can open and takes a sip.

"We should start heading back," I say while getting up.

We made it to the warehouse and Lucas honestly looked underwhelmed.

"Why the hell are we here?" he asked.

"You'll see." I push the elevator button and the three of us step in. I press the button that goes to the lowest floor.

Lucas's eyes almost popped out of his head when the elevator doors opened.

"So, this is where you've been for the past three months?"


"Don't tell me he's gonna stay here too," Storm said with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Where else is he gonna go?"

"Anywhere far away from here." He's not getting mad.

"Please?" I put on my best puppy eyes. He looked at me for a bit and his features started to soften.

"Fine." He finally gave up.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "Thank you."

I lingered on his eyes for a bit until I heard...

"Are you guys sure you're not dating?" I let go of Storm and turn around to see a familiar redhead. My face turns red as I remember that there are other people in this world. Reiki was walking towards us with a smirk on his stupid face.

"Who's this?" I hear another voice came from behind Reiki. Nova walked towards us and trailing behind her was everyone else.

"Guys, this is my brother, Lucas." I gestured to my brother.

Reiki walks over to him and gets pretty close to his face. Lucas looks really confused. Reiki literally did a whole body scan.

"Good looks must run in the family," he pipes up. He picks up Lucas's hand and kisses the back of it. Color floods into Lucas's face. "Name's Reiki."

Storm and I looked at each other in shock and then looked back at what was happening.  

There was an eerie silence that surrounded us until Nova decided to say something. 

"That's gay." I almost instantly laughed at this.

Someone had to say it.  

"Lucas is there something you're not telling me?" I ask him. He didn't answer. He seemed to be to lost in Reiki's eyes.

"Ok then." I turn to Rosemary and ask, "Did you know anything about this?"


"I did," Nova pipes up. We all look at her. "Oh come on. Like it wasn't obvious."

"It clearly wasn't," Gale says from behind her.

"Lucas. You. Me. My room. Now." I grab his hand and haul him upstairs. 

"What the hell was that?" I cross my arms and try to give him a serious face. But I can't seem to do it, for this situation is just too hilarious. 

"Stop laughing. It's not a big deal." He crosses his arms and looks away with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"I've known you my entire life. How could I not have seen any signs that you're-"

"Bi. I'm bisexual. I'm sorry I never told you." His voice sounded guilty.

"What matters is that you're telling me now. Reiki is a nice guy but he's also a big flirt." I point out to him. 

"I'll be careful."


"So what's the deal with you and that Storm guy? You seem to be really close." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing is going on between us. We're just friends." The words burning my mouth.

What are we?

That's actually a really good question.

"Alright, whatever you say. If he does anything to you come to me and I'll kill him." I giggle at this, "How about you give me a tour. You're apparently making me stay here so I should get to know the place."

"I missed you, big brother." 

"I missed you too."

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