5- Hay is for Horses

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🔥(Nashi's P.O.V)🔥

I'm so screwed.

When I saw Ice Freak kill that other guy, he made it look easy. Not to mention that he's ripped and in pretty good shape. The other guys are too. Especially Gale. That guy is literally a bull.

But that's not really important to my situation right now.

Storm threw the first punch and aimed it at my head.

I dodged it and then punched him in the stomach.

He grabbed me and started kneeing me in the stomach.

I responded by stepping on his foot, spinning around, and then kicking him in the torso.

He grabbed my leg and twisted it, making me fall to the ground.

I got back up on my feet, but I was still crouching down. I swooped my leg out and tripped him.

He fell on his back, but he got up in a split second.

I tackled him to the floor and pinned his arms on the sides of his head.

We were both out of breath. Storm kneed me in the thigh and flipped us over so that he was now on top of me. I tried to kick him in the balls, but he used his legs to trap mine.

"I think I'm going to call it a tie," announced Rosemary.

"I clearly won!" complained Storm.

"Yeah, but she pinned you down first," she retorted.

"Ha!" I said feeling somewhat accomplished.

I then took notice of the position Storm and I were in.

Too close. Way too close.

My face went red, and my eyes widened.

His cheeks were painted with a light tint of pink.

"Get off me, Ice Freak!" I yelled.

"What? Am I too handsome for you? Do you like what you see? Actually, I don't need your answer; I can see it in your blush!" he yelled back.

"How about you look at your blush instead? Oh wait, you can't look in a mirror because you're so ugly the mirror would shatter," I said while blushing even more.

"Well, damn. The blush on your face says otherwise."

He got off of me and sat down beside me.

"I'll admit, you fight pretty well," he said.

"Thanks, you're not too bad yourself," I said with my signature grin.

He got up and extended his hand out for me to grab. I grabbed it. It was rough but soft at the same time.

The thing that surprised me the most is that his hand was warm. Wasn't he an ice wizard?


He lifted me up with ease.

"Now that this is over, can we continue with our tour?" asked the annoyed Rosemary.

"Yes, of course," I said quickly.

Rosemary and I left the room and walked up a flight of stairs. We walked along a long, narrow passageway for what seemed like forever and finally arrived at a trap door. Rosemary opened it, and we were finally out. We were outside of the city walls.

There was a huge barn with sliding doors right in front of us and a large forest behind it.

Rosemary pulled the tall doors open. The familiar smell of hay and horse crap hit me like a wrecking ball. I reckon this is where their horses are kept. Not that it isn't obvious.

Storm x Nashi  (Fairy Tail Next Gen)Where stories live. Discover now