Chapter Nine: Welcome to the World Vlade Erik-Murray Jokić

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Jamal Murray- 9 months and 39 weeks pregnant
Kitchener, Ontario
Jamal Murray's bedroom

Jamal was asleep in his room after watching TV (He watched Grey's Anatomy) when he wakes up only to find out that the bedsheets on his bed were soaked with water. "Mom? Mom?" Jamal calls his mother. Sylvia went to his room and asked. "Jamal, what's wrong? What happened?" "Mommy, my water just broke," He groans. "Oh my! Okay, let's go to the room and I'll prepare the supplies," She takes Jamal to the master bedroom where Roger moved the blankets to the other room and placed the sterilized sheets on the bed for Jamal to lay on when the baby comes out. "Babe, it hurts!" He moaned. "I know honey, I'm here," Nikola said rubbing Jamal's wrists. "Mama Sylvia and Papa Roger will get the supplies ready," Next, Sylvia removes Jamal's underwear and nightgown as she wraps the towel around the body while Nikola comforts him during labor. Yet, Roger and Sylvia will put on their gloves. Later on, Sylvia's mom comes in and asked what was going on. Sylvia had told her mom that Jamal is going to have a baby.

She went upstairs and see her grandchild going in labor. She and Roger's mom came by to help him. Secondly, Sylvia's mom checks on Jamal's cervix and asked when his water had broken. "So Sylvia, when did his water break?" "5 minutes ago Mom," Sylvia answered. "Okay, have him lay down on the bed. Branislav and Roger's mom will arrive shortly," When Roger had his gloves on, Sylvia and her mother spread his legs wide open. "Are you ready Jamal?" Sylvia's mother asked. "Yes Mama," He replied. Roger goes to the middle as Sylvia and her mother holds both of Jamal's legs up to help get the baby to come out. "Alright! Now breathe in and push!" It started with Jamal screaming as he began to push during birth. "Good boy! You're doing it! Now keep going!" Sylvia praised him alongside her mother.


"Push! Jamal! Push!" Sylvia instructed. He pushed down screaming with the tears flowing down his cheeks. "Push as hard as you can," Jamal did as he was told sobbing. "Good! Good! You're doing great," Roger praised. "Keep it up," He was laying down with his legs spread wide open. He placed his hand on the forehead feeling scared to push. "Dad, I'm scared to push, I'm scared," Roger went to the side trying to calm Jamal down. "I know, I know. It's okay, I know it hurts," Nikola sat on the side to comfort the love of his life. "Come here my love," His Serbian boyfriend moved closer to him to soothe his girlfriend who was afraid of giving birth. "Babe, I don't know what to do and it hurts," Jamal went to Nikola. "I'm right here with you love," He rubbed him on the back and holding his hand. "We're going to go through this together okay?" He nodded.

Nikola Jokic: Pops, can we give Jamal more time for his body to do its work? He's just scared to push at the moment.

Roger Murray: Okay.

Nikola Jokic: I know that he's the toughest person you'll ever meet, but he will be fine.

Roger Murray: Alright, I'll give him some time for his body to do its work.

Nikola Jokic: give him 5-10 minutes for him to relax.

Roger Murray: Alright.

Jamal Murray: Dad, can you please give me at least 5-10 minutes for my body to prepare for the birth?

Roger decided to give Jamal a couple of minutes to get his body to prepare for the birth of his baby. "Dad I'm scared," He was shaking in fear. "It's okay, it's okay," He planted a kiss on the forehead and massaged his baby bump.

Roger Murray: Honey, he feels nervous.

Sylvia Murray: I know, but he needs to push. I understand that he needs a break, but we need him to continue pushing.

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