Chapter 24 - ハンター 試験 | パート22

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Last time...

Before I could reply anything to her speech, Netero started to talk.

"The final phase will be a bit different," he indicated, looking at Kotono and me.

He removed the cloth that hit the board in a swift movement, making everyone's eyes widen at the sight.


N. E. N. POV:

I was floating above the people when Netero started to explain the final phase. As he showed the board, people all reacted.

My girls both physically reacted, going back one step. The other examinees simply boarded confused faces. Some of them muttered it was a strange setting, but only seven out of the eleven people actually noticed the weirdest fact about this phase.

"Where..." Gon started, pointing the board, "Where are Kotono and Hiroe? And who's that?"

The finger of the young boy was directed towards a picture of someone people hadn't seen during the exam. People started to acknowledge the missing faces and the picture of the newcomer.

"Netero, don't you think that's a bit heartless?" I spoke up, making myself visible. I was still floating over the people, hanging upside down like I do when I'm bored, with my hands behind my neck.

At the sound of my voice, people's heads snapped up towards me.

"You did see it coming, didn't you?" Netero chuckled in response.

I was about to reply back when Hiroe talked: "But still, where am I? And where's Kotono?"

She looked scared, if not terrified, of what was happening. She was troubled, confused about them being missing. They had passed the fourth phase, hadn't they?

"Do you break the news for them or do I have to do it myself?" Netero asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Honestly, you can be such a dick. I don't know how I managed to endure you all those years." My voice was cold, and my brain analyzing what was best to do.

Netero started to laugh rather loudly, so I decided to go back down to the ground. I flipped over, so my feet would touch the ground and not my face, and approached my girls.

"How can she be in the exam," one of the applicants asked, a grey-haired man, "She looks no older than ten..."

My head angrily snapped towards him, my face frowning in rage. "For your information, I'm ele--"

"Twelve," Netero interrupted me, "that's why I let you in, you became twelve two days ago."

I thought for a moment and realized he was probably right. I never really paid attention to my birthday, but it was probably around time.

"makes sense," I shrugged, "anyways," I looked back towards my girls, "thanks for everything!" I smiled lovingly, and they disappeared into thin air. A small clay figure appeared where they had their feet.

"Hiroe! Kotono! What did you do to them?" Gon yelled angrily, on the verge of tears.

I sighed deeply, glaring at Netero. Couldn't he have made this easier? For everybody?

"You'll see them in a while, they're home for now," I replied, wanting to get on with this silly phase.

According to Netero's weirdly made board, I went first against... Gon himself?

I understood why he placed Gon up there, he's full of potential, but me? Pretty sure he justs wants to see me fight, like always.

After explaining the stuff, while everyone around me was shifting uncomfortably from feet to feet and giving me a glance once in a while, he ordered for Gon and I to enter the arena.

N. E. N. [ H U N T E R   X   H U N T E R ]Where stories live. Discover now