Epilogue - 始まり

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Everywhere - Nowhere

Everything - Nothing

Everyone - No One

That's me, for the last few days.

I was everywhere, looking at the fascinating Human society - As well as I was invisible for them.

I was everything, from York New city to the ocean - But I had no official self.

I was everyone, living an everyday live or having adventures alone or with friends - Just like I was just watching.

That's what I felt since my rebirth as a God.

Unlike before, I don't find cycles boring anymore. Sure, watching water evaporate and condensate wasn't the most interesting, but it's fun to see some creature's lifespan.

What else was there to see, to feel, to live?

Thanks to Gon and Killua, I've learned to appreciate every different event.
If you ever wondered what an eternity felt like, there you have it.
It feels like an eternity.

It feels boring when you just look at the container, the constant loops - it's fun if you look at what's inside, at everyone who makes this world what it is as a whole.

Every feeling was taking over my non-physical figure, overwhelming it with experiences. Even if it was sometimes repetitive, there were some other moments when a special event marked History.

Emotions. Each instant, people experience sentiments. I can perceive all of them.
From sadness to joy to anger to fear. But the most common one...
Actually, there's no common one. Before, I thought it was boredom, but it was actually because of me. I had affected the world by infusing boredom in people's nen, making them feel it.
So now, I try to have a positive mind to make this world happy!

Sounds. Each moment, anything does sound. There's nothing I can't hear.
From the wind howling to the weak murmur of leaves to someone's bedsheets moving to a cat licking its fur.

The same goes for every other sense. Sight, which made me many beautiful places, taste, which made me enjoy wonderful and exotic foods, smell, from the soft and sweet aroma of cotton candy to the salty smell of fresh fish thrown overboard by fishers.

But there's far more than that. All the sensations we observe, from the gut feeling to the mysterious power some have.

And do you know what's the best in that?

I am here with you.
I'll watch over you.
I'll take care of you.
Because you are worth my time.

End of N. E. N. [H U N T E R X H U N T E R]
Start date - September 1st, 2017
End date - December 30th, 2019
Thanks a ton for reading this story!! It means a ton to me!! I really hope you liked it! Once again, I am terribly sorry for the time it took me to complete this story. But all in all, I am glad to have finished this story. I really hope you have enjoyed this fanfiction.

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