Living a dream?

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Hey guys what do you think so far? Here's the next chapter.♥♡

Pattys POV

I  was in the wood, at the clearing I found, but my hands and feet were tied together. Suddenly got dragged into the back of a black van by the woman I saw earlier. There were band equipment and other bodies around me. The van began to move, I could hear laughing it was by two women. Maybe the girl that dragged me here, but who else. One of the girls I knew it was Chelsea, but who was the other. I counted the bodies in the back of the van, there were 4 and then me which was five, the other girl was Louise. What has gotten into them? The van suddenly stopped and I got dragged into a room with a wooden chair. I got strapped to the chair by leather straps, and there were michines attached to me and pushed into mu veins. I velt a shock. I screamed. Everything went dark.

I was awake. I also had a funny feeling through my veins it wasn't good. I opened my eyes to find that I was living my dream. Where was I? Where is everyone else? Are they ok? These thoughts kept running through my mind. The feeling through my veins was made by the machinery behind me. I had to scream.

A woman came towards me with a smile on her face. She put her fingers through my fringe, and walked behind me. She wispered into my ear 'Your mine now', she giggled and kissed the back of my neck. Her lips were soft so I turned my head, she began to kiss my lips passionately.  The woman sat on my lap, let go of the kiss and stared into my eyes. Her eyes were much like Chelseas, it was Chelsea. She began to kiss me again, her lips were soft, the kiss was also soft but tender. I never wanted her more. We let go of the kiss.

Chelsea began to unstrap me from the machines and leather straps. I let out another scream. She lead me through other rooms to the same black van as in my dream. I let her kiss me into the van, she tied my hands together.  The door closed at the side of me. I then heared bodys,  and the doors close in the back of the van. Chelsea and Louise sat in the van beside me and drove off.

Chelsea drove us back to Spitewinter and reversed onto the clearing I had found. Louise exited the van, Chelsea turned to me and kissed me, and I loved it. She untied the rope from my wrists, so I put my hands in her hair. We let go and Chelseas eyes weren't there they were just black holes. She turned a dial on the stereo and some deep and slow music played. A pain rushed through my veins, I screamed. A evil feeling ran through my mind and it all went black again.

Thanks for voting and reading the fanfic. Plz comment what you think about it and what you think will happen to  Patty and the rest of the guys. Oh would you also like to the next part in someone else's point of view?♥♡.

A new friendship?   A patty walters veeoneeye and Lukeisnotsexy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now