Heaven or Hell

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Hey again thanks for reading and voting and commenting. We will now find out more of what is going on.♥♡.

Pattys POV

I looked around us and there were five good looking girls. They were walking towards us, what's going to happen now. One girl came to me I could tell it was Chelsea, she grabbed a bag full of blue liquid with a tube running down to my hand. I noticed the other girls were doing the same to Luke, Jason,  Joey and Pete. The tube got forced into our hands, I could feel the liquid running through my veins, we all let out a scream.

Chelsea then kissed me to stop me from screaming. She then dissapered into the shadows of the night and then came back with a silver tool. The tool looked sharp,  she was walking towards me with it, the tool was a butchers knife. The knife got pu down on the table, Chelsea then passionately kissed me again while strapping my hands to the chair with leather straps, now I wanted her even more. She picked up the knife, what was she going to do with it? I was aware of what she was doing with it, then she lickes the back of the knife. The knife came really close to my face, close enough to cut me. I grabbed hold of the knife quickly with my teeth. I let out a huge scream as it cut deep into the corners of my mouth.

The knife got thrown across the clearing and away from me. Everything went black again with the pain I was in.

Jasons POV

I heared a scream from Patty and saw a knife disapear. Then the girl that was with me and Chelsea carried him away from the table. Where are they taking him? Suddenly the girl that was with me came back, kissed me, undid the  straps and dragged me away and into a chair. The chair was in the middle of nowhere.  The attractive woman passionately kissed me again and I kissed her back. It was amazing, but something was saying not to, was saying don't be fooled by a woman like her. She then kissed down my neck, but on her neck I saw a tattoo,  a band logo it was somewhere where the others can't see it.

The dark haired girl then blindfolded me. I couldn't decide wether this was heaven ot hell.

Pattys POV

I became concious again, back at the table. For some reason I could feel sharp blades going through my stomach. Then I felt some stitches in the corners of my mouth and on my stomach. I was wearily looking around for aby sound of life. There was blood all over my hands and face. I still had a funny feeling running through  my veins, but it was a good feeling.

Hey comment follow and vote if you like. thanks ♥♡. How are tou all doing good? What do you think will happen next?

A new friendship?   A patty walters veeoneeye and Lukeisnotsexy fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora