The Plan

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Pattys POV

'We all ready?', Pete asked his fingers on the breifcase. We all looked at each other and nodded. I knew I was ready for this plan to work. Pete slowly opened the breifcase to make sure the contents was still there. It was open, it was a bright contents. We looked at each other nodded and smiled.  'Remember we go one by one', Pete reminded us all. Pete and I hugged, as Jason cuffed the case to my hand. We said our good lucks and goodbyes and I left.

I walked out of the door and into the street. I walked down the street and it was a long walk. Then suddenly thoughts were running through my mind.Will the others get caught? Will this be a waste of time? All I want is for this to go well.

Jasons POV

Patty was gone only four of us left now. 'Now it's your turn to go', Pete faced Joey and gave him a brotherly hug. We sat there and hoped that this would go well. 'What is the plan after this?', Luke asked. 'Well', Pete began, 'If the girls find Patty and get him, he should leed the girls to us, well Louise and Chelsea when we will bring them back here and change them back'. It was now time for Luke to leave us. He walked out of the door, so now it was a silent wait until I had to leave.

Pattys POV

The street was awfully quiet. At the end of the street was a small figure on a bike. A strange feeling went through me telling me it was time. I smiled at the young boy on a bike he smiled back. He knew what was going to happen, so did I. Then thwre was a shock in my neck.  It was time. It was time. It was time for the begining of the end. Through the torture. Through the torture. Through the torture of seing my friends going through it all again. But hopefully the plan will work, so I won't have to see it happen.

A new friendship?   A patty walters veeoneeye and Lukeisnotsexy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now