Time is running out?

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Thnks fr commenting on this fanfic and for voting. How is the story for you guys so far? Well if you are here is the next chapter enjoy.♡♥.

Jason's POV

Okay, first thing I know that Patty and Chelsea are in danger then I release the hawk to let the others know and now I'm in danger. What? Time is seriously running out. I wake up now to find my self tied to table, a metal table with some of my friends at the side of me on other tables passed out. Well this hasn't been a nice turn of events has it now? For me anyway, not sure sbout the others. Now I am fully awake I can see where I am and what is going on. Okay something definitely feels strange inside me, like sharp objects running through me or something is missing or both, I don't know.  'Jason', I heard a voice on my left say. I turned my head to see a woman with wavy blonde hair it was Louise, so I look to my right to see Luke, I look in front of me to find no one else is aroumd. Where is Ashliegh, Joey and Pete? Then there was a lot of foot steps behind us, we just had to wait until they got to us. A woman looked over me from behind and pressed her lips against mine her lips were a lot like Ashlieghs. She ustrapped me from the table, I sat up and kissed her on the lips down to her neck, she seemed to like it. The others got set free by a guy and a girl, we all got forced to the door and into what seemed like an elevator.  We got in and went down a few floors.

Patty's POV

I wearily woke up, all I could feel was sharp objects running through me, all I could hear was loud bangs, screams and yells in my head. No one could help me now, no one could help me through this pain.  I guess infamy is greater than fame. My eyes opened to find a black haired girl with a snap back and eary, blue eyes staring back. Chelsea is here, but where are my friends, Chelsea's band mates and other people? Then I remembered why I was here with her. She has know hand, she was clicking her fingers in her right hand. I could here her singing weightless by ATL. I joined in with her: I wanna feel weightless and that should be enough, I'm stuck in this fucking room waiting for another day go by because I'm over getting older. I think they are the words I'm not sure because I can't hear anything but I carried on: Maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year. Then there was a loud bang and a few more bangs, screams and yells. I can't make my mind up if they were in my head or not. Then about eight people came around the corner, mainly our friends, Louise, Luke and Jason gotmtied to the chairs. The girl that was with me earlier her name is Dottie came with me again, Chelsea had Joey, Louise had Pete, Jason Had Ashliegh and Luke had Pheobe. Wow is this really a party or what am I talking about. I looked across the table to see what was happening and I could see it Chelsea's eyes too, we both had the urg to sing... but why?

Sorry, I know this chapter was short, but I have a few questions for you guys that you can answer in the comments. Okay, 1 What bands/artistsdo you like? 2 Which youtubers do you like? If you wnat to, Can you reco, end me some fanfics? Once I have finnished this one would you like me t write anotjer fanfic? If you do who should the fanfic be about?  And if you want you can ask me some questions in the comments. Thnks.Until next time adios.♥♡☆.

A new friendship?   A patty walters veeoneeye and Lukeisnotsexy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now