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Patty POV

It was morning, I could see Jason and Ashliegh taking to each other. I could see that Jason was interested I her. They walked over to me, Ahliegh put her hands on my face to look at the stitched in the corners of my mouth. 'Patty just lay down a moment', Ashliegh said. 'Jason, can you go and get the small bag from in the other room?', she asked Jason. Jason quickly came back with a small bag, it must have something that could help my pain in it. 'Jason hold his head please', she asked him. Jason held my head still, while Ashliegh undid the stitches that were in my mouth. She then got some sanitiser and washed the corners of my mouth, I let out a small moan. Ashliegh then grabbed a small container out of the bag. 'I'm not gonna lie to you Patty, but this will sting a lot', she reassured me. Ahliegh was holding some glue, she put the glue in the corners of my mouth. I did let out a yell, it was very painful. She then looked under my Tee shirt, where I did have some stitches. 'They will be fine for now Patty', she assured me. I smiled at her, she smile back.

We sat in a small circle telling each other stories about ourselves. Ashliegh's story: Well it was summer and me, Adam, Will and Jamie were talking to a couple of bands at Walton Damn. We were doing some water sports like canoeing and sailing. We were talking to Take The Seven and Bitter Broken Me. We were pretty much doing the same thing as we are now, telling stories. In the middle of a story we got called over to do boat walking over the canoes. When it was Jamie's turn to walk the boats, he ran from the side to the middle of the water and did a flip. Then it was my turn and I got dared to do a back flip, so I walked to the last boat turned around and prepared myself for it. I did it, but not successfully, I ended up landing on a canoe and dragged Jamie in to the water with me. It was painful and funny at the same time.

We all laughed a little at the story. So now it was my turn: I was on tour and as a band we got Jason to do our music video. We were on stage and I tried to jump off of the stage into the crowd, but no one caught me except a girl with black hair, I noticed she had a band logo tatooed on her neck. I kissed her on the cheek. The next day we made a long water mat down a big hill. Water was running down it, so I ran and jumped onto the mat, but I ended up doing a flip and almost landing on my neck.

We all giggled at that story now it was Jason's turn: When I used tobe in my band... Jason began, but there was a loud bang and there was a woman with long black hair. 'Ahliegh, I have been looking for you', the woman sounded relieved. She looked at me and Jasonas in to say disappear, so we went into the other room.

Jason's POV

We waited for a long time listening to the girls talk. Then they came down to us both, 'guys this is Pheobe, and she is going to be on our team', Ahliegh explained. So we went back up to the main room and saw a black van pull up to the pavilion. All of our friends got out of the van, so now it was time to get ready, it was time to fight. We pushed Patty into the chair, we all stood around him with our weapons and Patty's weapons behind his chair. All we had to do now was wait for them to get up to the main room, it was a long wait for us now. We heared people talking downstairs, they were talking about how they could make this place theirs again. The others were talking for a long time about their plans and things. Now footsteps were coming towards the main door towards us.

A new friendship?   A patty walters veeoneeye and Lukeisnotsexy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now