Once there is an end it may be over...

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Patty's POV

The pain was in my chest again, I opened my eyes to see and hear the spirits taunting me. Help me! I closed my eyes to see Chelsea with her beautiful blue eyes, and when I opened them to look at her she was a moster with yellow eyes. What was I getting myself and my friends into? If I had never laid eyes on her this would have never happened. My friends are in trouble. They were almost killed because of my reactions. Then I opened my eyes to see three real people running up to me, but the female spirit was behind them. 'Bring me to life', she said for the last time. She through a shock of pain into me, I let out a yell and I had no choice but to let go of my life. I can't save myself...

Jason's POV

I opened the door knowing that I only had to save Patty and Chelsea. We walked through the door and found Patty on the floor, we ran up to him as fast as we could. Patty let out a scream and he closed his eyes. I crashed onto the floor next to him, I tried to wake him up. My best friend was not going to wake up, he was gone. I hugged him letting all of my tears out onto his back. He was really gone, why did this have to happen to him? My best friend. I wanted Patty back, the guy who supported me the most, my vegan friend was gone. His spirit, his voice, his blonde hair, his mint accent and his smile, all gone. All I could do is remember all of the good times with Patty.

We was at an airport with Luke and Karim, skating in the carpark at 1 in the morning. Karim grabbed a couple of the trolleys and we would race eachother roumd the whole place. Then Patty was on one by himself and said' I'll race by myself', while pushing himself down. Then we decided to play a game on the boards. We would skate towards eachother as fast as we could and the first person that turns loses. After, Karim did a thing on the boards which was fun.

I opened my eyes and saw Patty's face with his nose piercing, his beautiful face, I will miss it. I grabbed his snapback and decided it was time to go, I looked back at Chelsea, she was evil and not needed anymore. She is the one that made all of this happen, I began to walk towards the door with Luke. 'Wait, What about Chelsea?', Louise asked. I stopped and turned around to look at her, I threw the hook at a door onthe other side of the room,' You know what Louise, have you seen the amount of danger we have been put in? Now one of my best friends are dead, if you want to save her then fine go ahead. No one wants anyone like her around. She never spoke when we asked her around for pizza. We all thought that she was great but she's not.' Those were my last words, I looked at everyone in the room and went out of the door and Luke followed. I guess it was a love like a war.

What shall I do now? I really need to go home to be honest. It just wont be the same without Patty. Luke tapped me on the shoulder and smiled at me. 'Jason? What about Joey, Pete, Ashliegh, Phoebe, the spirits and saving rock and roll?', Luke asked me. I really don't know what to do, we needed to go back home, but we also want this place to be put right.

So we pushed on through the main door and wondered off into the next field. At the other side of the field there was a road so we decided to follow it. It was too late at night to push on so we both fell and slept I guess.

I know this chapter was short, but I know the next chapter will be quite long.

A new friendship?   A patty walters veeoneeye and Lukeisnotsexy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now