Baby, it's all right

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hello all. 

although this is my first story on wattpad im hoping its not the last, oh and ive written many others but i wanna do this one and complete it.

the guy in the picture -----> thats Kaylan. he was just too cute not to mpreg. 

hhmmm... i'll add a picture of Michael next chapter and btw i update as i go along so if i dont have any inspiration it might take me a while to update but if you nag me enough that should get me back on track. =D im strange like that.


oh btw im totally thinking of casting johnny depp as his dad. =P

Kaylan hurried down the darkened road towards his home, he was trying his best not to cry but he couldnt seem to stop the tears streaming down his face. 

He knew she was going to be like that, all she ever did since he told her is make him feel like an idiot. what he did was, in fact, stupid but she really didnt have to keep repeating it to him like that; he knew, he ralised that it wasnt a good idea before it even happend but he thought that, just maybe, maybe, he actually liked him back. How wrong that was.

As he aproached that door he took his keys out his pocket to open that door and tried to gather the little bit of courage he had, because now he had to tell his parents and they were not going to be very happy about this. At all.

He opened the door slowly, looking around the door to see where his parents were. By the sounds of it his Dad was at the office and his Father was in the kitchen cooking dinner. 

"Papa? Dad?" he called as he walked through the door finally. 

"Jellybean!" came the excited cry from his Father, his Papa, his carrier, whos heart he was now going to break, because he knew his father didnt want this for him at all, he wanted him to be able to do what he wanted to have a future and not have to deal with this right now. 

"Jellybean, I thought you were sleeping over at Emily's?" Oh God, his Dad was home too!

"D-Dad! i thought you were working late today?" he stuttered "Nah, i finished early" his Dad smiled

"Baby!" his Father had come out of the kitchen as he was taking his shoes off "have you forgotten what a sleep over is? or am I confusing that with 'staying late'?" his Father laughed.

"U-umm... I wanted to t-tell you s-something a-actually, both of you" he stammered 

"whats wrong Jellybean? did you and Emily have a falling out?" His Dad asked, looking worried, he knew what Em meant to him.

"E-Err not.. not really, u-umm.. I.. You s-see.. " God, he couldnt even get the words out! his eyes were watering and he knew if he didnt tell them now he wasnt going to be able to at all. 

"Honey, lets go sit in the livingroom and you can tell us whats wrong, alright?" his Father said as he put his arm around his shoulder and guided him towards the livingroom to sit down.

After they had all sat down, with both his parents sitting opposite him on the cream coloured sofas, he wiped at his tears and started.

"R-Remember a couple months ago at the start of football season? when the art club was helping to make all the signs like every year? well, we had just finished and Micheal Jacobs, the quarterback, he came to get them and it was only me left cause everyone else had already gone home, and so I gave him the box with everything in it and we started talking, then he asked me if I was going home and I said yeah, so he asked me to walk with him and of course I said yes because I've had a crush on him since sophmore year and we were finally talking and I was excited.

"He waited for me to get my bag, then he said he had to drop the box off at Coach Dawson's office so I went with him to wait for him, we got to the office so we walked in and he put the box down and then he turned around to look at me and out of nowhere he just, kissed me. I know I shouldve stopped it right there cause I knew where it was going to lead to and even though I liked him I wasnt ready but he just looked and me then started kissing me again and I couldnt say no, and the next thing I knew, we'd.. you know.. then he got up and started getting dressed so I did too, when he was dressed he lit a cigarette, looked back at me and he said.. he s-said 'this was a one time thing, it was a bet, and if I'd known you were this easy I wouldnt have bothered' and m-my heart just.. Stopped."

by the time he had finished Kaylan was already in tears " I didnt expect that at all, you know" he sobbed "then a couple days later I went into school and everyone was staring at me and whispering, I walked towards my locker quickly thinking everyone was just being weird like usual but I saw him standing with a group of his friends and he just stopped and stared at me then his friends turned around and saw me and they just started laughing at me, then one of them came up to me a-and he s-said loud enough for every one to hear 'Hey Mathews, I didnt really peg you for the easy type, what do you say to some one-on-one in the locker room with me?' and he just started laughing at me and I couldnt take it and I ran."

His Father had moved to sit next to him and put his arms around him again "There's more isn't there, Kay?" trust his Papa to know that there was more to the story than just that. 

he looked up at his Dad then "N-No, a few weeks ago I started feeling really sick and I didnt really know what to do, Em suggested that I might be p-p-pregnant b-but I didnt w-wanna belive her so sh-she bought a test and asked me to take it a-and I did a-and i-it was.. p-p-positive!" he cried

The only sound in the room was his sobs

Baby, it's all rightWhere stories live. Discover now