7- Spill It

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Lexi's P.O.V

After 3 weeks I have fully recovered. The guys made a new song called Don't Cry with is very beautiful and touching I really love it alot. Me and slash still aren't together but we haven't fought as much.slash,duff,maddie, Steven, and I are sitting inside duff and Steven house. when A knock sounds and Steven goes to the door. he gasp and turns to look at all of us. when all get confused and scared a bit. all of us run to Steven who is squatted down at the door step and we are all standing. he opens up the letter and we all read in inside our heads.


This baby is yours. don't believe me? go get a test but, in the end your stuck with her. have fun asshole and next time use a fucking rubber!

-9 months ago

Let me just state, this girl isn't lying that baby has to be Steven's. she has wild blonde hair,blue eyes, light skin,and a magnificent smile! buy not only that this girl is a bitch just leaving a baby on a door step. A baby! No child should have this! is bent down and grabbed the baby out of the car seat and took her inside everyone followed me except Steven who just sat there. Maddie wanted to hold her so she was in Maddie's arms. duff and Maddie looked so happy they would make great parents one day. I walked over and sat with Steven "I can't do this,take care of another human being,A baby!" he sounded worried "yes you can you will be a good dad. you will make her the happiest baby. you will spoil her and protect. you would put her before anything else. you would make her your world,your one and only. you would love her with all your heart I know you will." I smiled at him but he couldn't see "I will huh?" He asked with laughter in his voice "yes Steven and she will love you too. she will change you life.she will be proud to call the one and only Steven Adler her father!" I laughed "I will keep her." he put his arm over my shoulder "and if not I'll cut off your balls!" I laughed and we both stood up walking to them. Steven brought in the car seat and I brought in the diaper bag. We set the things down and duff have the baby to Steven. immediately both of them light up with their matching smiles. "what are you going to name her?" I asked while I cuddled in right next slash "ahh I don't know?" Steven said looking in to her eyes "eve?" Maddie suggested and Steven eyes light up "you like that?" Steven smiled and the baby giggled "eve it is!" slash cheered. "oh yea.." Steven handed eve to slash and I. he ran to the kitchen grabbing all his alcohol bottles and equally dividing them up "okay duff these go to you." Steven handed duff some bottles "and slash theses are yours.." he handed slash some also "I'm a dad, I have to set an example." Steven grabbed eve and sat her on the floor while he laid on the floor. "and you drugs?" Maddie giggled and Steven put his hands on eve's ear "they will go to izzy." he said looking at Maddie. We all laughed "we are gonna get going Steven congrats with eve!" slash gave Steven a hand shake and he held eve giving her a kiss "and bye baby!" slash smiled and held her to me right when I was going to kiss her slash pulled her away "no yucky!" slash and eve laughed. he out her back by me "yucky! yucky!" They both giggle again and on more time he brought her close finally I got to kiss her goodbye "eww you yucky too!" slash lugged and kissed eve good bye "bye guys!" slash waved and we walked out the door.

Steven' P.O.V

"Imma move out." I told Maddie and duff "where?" duff asked "well there's an old house down on Harven st. and I could afford it right now." I told them "well if that's what you want to do, if you need anything we will be happy to help." Maddie told me "imma call right now." I told them walking to the phone "way to go!" duff cheered me on. I got the house and moved all my stuff over there within a day I had everything in my house fixed up and where it needed to be I was set to go. Now all me and the baby needed was a damn nap.

Axl's P.O.V

Slash called me and told me Steven has a kid now. I was happy for him but just then duff called me saying that Steven moved out the house. I was glad he is going on a more independent route that's really good for him. after that Steven called me and told all the things they just told but hearing it from his was better to be able to hear the excitement in his voice was amazing. I was proud of Steven.

Slash's P.O.V

Me and Lexi were chilling at our house just relaxing. "when you were little?" She asked looking up at me cause she was lying on the floor "I wanted to find dinosaurs." I giggled moving from the couch to lay down with her "what's wrong with you?" she laughed "well what did you want to be?" I smiled at her "a model!" she flipped her hair "bullshit!" I pushed her shoulder "no for reals." she reasoned "you know that the media has been calling for you?" I asked her "media? calling? me?" she looked confused "yeah they wanna hear your story they want you on every talk show." I told her and she just scratched her head "my story? why?" she asked "they just do I told them I will speak to you about it. there must've been 36 shows calling for you!" I told her "oh." she said silently,looking away "you don't have to do it." I grabbed her face so she will look at me "I do. I just don't know how to." she said softly "you tell them the way you told me." I showed her "I will do it." she smiled softy "are you sure you want to?" I asked her looking in to her eyes "positive. but i don't want it to mess with your career." her eyebrows moved "it won't and if it does it won't be anything big." I warned her "okay." She smiled I grabbed the phone put it on speaker and set up her first interview for her. it was going to be held tomorrow on the Jack Talks! at 12:00pm.

Next day

Lexi's P.O.V

I thankful slash helped me out with the interview. Here I I am back stage nervous as fuck with slash comforting me 'the worlds watching you!'I keep thinking to myself "hey it'll be prefect your going go out there and you going to kill it I promise you!" slash hugged me "his is live,I'm going live, the world is going to watch this the entire world!" I freaked out a bit "and the entire world will love it!" his patted my back and now I had to walk out on to the stage "I love you!" Slash shouted to me. "Hello everybody my name is Jack as all of you may know there is a special guest star here today with us and she's ready to tell the twisted story of 21 years. her name is Lexi." he introduced himself and I. soon I relaxed "Lexi how are you doing today?" he asked "better ha, I was pretty nervous." I smiled "that's good so tell us about your life from the very start." he got straight to it and I inhaled deeply "when A week after my birth my mother abandoned me in a dumpster I spent 3 days in there until a police officer saved me and was granted custody. I spent my whole life with him until I was 8 years old when he drugged me so he could raped meager he succeeded he shot himself in the head when FBI came they rushed me to the hospital, I was open at 8 kilo and given 46 stitches. I was later then placed into a foster home where I was beaten and raped all the time until I was 14, when I ran away from there. a 16 year old boy asked me what's up and he took me to his house where I spent two years being drugged,used a stripper,and a sex doll. I was 16 when I finally left from there but the same day I escaped I was token by a little boy and he lead me to an old man who kept me in a small room where he would rape me up to 5 times a day and I was given small portions of food. I managed to get far enough to an alley where 5 men were in a car and abducted me for a but of satisfaction I was beat,raped and drugged once again this time in a car. When they were finished they threw me out and that's when slash came to rescue. he took me to his house cleaned me up and gave me shelter.the next morning I was going to leave but he stopped me we talked but I still left we found each other again at a bar and again he saved me. At my 21st birthday that he spent tons of money I was at the corner when a truck pulled up. I was taken and spent 6 days in a ice cold room where I was tied to a bed I got raped and drugged again. although slash spent thousands so he could find me once again and he did. I was open at 10 kilo & was given 67 stitches. slash has been my protector e gives me a second chance a life & hope!" I finished up with a bit of tears forming in my eyes. The audience clapped and cheered "I'm so sorry to hear all of that but it has made you who you are today. your an amazing, beautiful and strong women. you have and will inspire lots of young women out there. I'm positive any body will love to get to know you because I'm very grateful for this opportunity thank you very much, Lexi!" jack held my hand and smiled. the interview was over, me and slash drove him and the house phone had 28 missed calls with 49 messages in the past hour. it was amazing. once the day ended me and slash laid in bed. "slash I'm so grateful to have you with me." I hugged his while body "me too Lexi nobody can do the things you do to me!" he kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.

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