20- Around & Around We Go

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Lexi's P.O.V

Tonight guns will be having their first concert in Brazil and I'm very happy for them especially izzy he was working on 2 new songs that I really enjoy. I just pray that they will kick ass like always because they are really good but I pray everything goes all good even for slash.

Slash's P.O.V

I'm never nervous or have anxiety before a show but this one is on my nerves. this is supposed to be the biggest audience we ever play to and we are in Brazil so it's gonna be crazy. however I know it'll be more crazy because well June and Lexi will fucking kill each other. here I am at sound check just an hour away from the concert June is sitting here as the only girl because Maddie,Erin,&Lexi (Matt's girl left to at fashion shoot) all went shopping and they aren't cool with June so of course they didn't invite her or even consider that. I felt bad because June is getting the short end of the stick just because she's my girlfriend and not Lexi "aye guys.." I looked away from the floor and up at the crew "yeah?" they all asked "what the fuck is it with June that y'all don't like?" I asked thru the wall of my curly hair "well it's just okay dude your fucking over Lexi!" axl whined "yeah man you fucking took off her ring on minute then the next your with June." Izzy bit his lip "And plus you made her girlfriend and not Lexi when Lexi's been with you for 2 years now!" duff argued "I am just gonna sit here." Matt said "oh so you guys don't like her because of Lexi?" I looked up at them "it's not only Lexi." axl titled his head "because of your girls?" I questioned throwing my head back "yes!" duff shouted "well look its just fucked up how everyone is treating just because me and Lexi aren't together like really how'd you'd feel if everyone that you stood with didn't like you and they would gang up on you? for reals that's fucked up can all of you at least start talking to her and just getting to know her,she's chilled if you guys would just give her a chance... fuck!" I waved my hands "fine you want that? well give Lexi a chance!" izzy yelled and I'm glad that June wasn't inside the room with us because that would've been awkward "give her chance? She fucking ran away from me yesterday!" I shouted "so you just gave up? you see slash that's your fucking problem she's fucking hurt and cried every night and your the fucking reason why she's hurt how does that fucking make you feel? then you gave up on her slash that was probably a fucking avalanche hitting her heart she's so hurt of course she's scared to let you back into her heart!" izzy spoke a whole speech that's the most I'd every he ward him say at once and then it was all about me and Lexi. I didn't say anything I just stood quite "that's right,you got nothing else to say now huh?" izzy taunted me and I looked at him "you love her.." I mumbled "of course he fucking does we all do!" axl watched me "no he loves her." I put emphasis on the word love "yes slash I love her cause she needs love but I don't love her like that. I honestly can't believe you'd think that,im just trying to mend her broken heart the heart you broke!" he spoke the truth "okay and I know I broke her heart but I'm sorry I really am but things are meant to be this way everything is going on track now!" I stood up "so they weren't going on track when you loved Lexi?" duff put his hands on his hips "yes they were but I'm on a new road now." I looked at duff "how could you replace Lexi like that?" axl whispered "I didn't replace her I just stopped loving her I don't love Lexi no more!" I said at the wrong place and time because there was Lexi in the window hearing everything. I watched her with sorry eyes but I saw fire in hers then came out tears and my heart kept dropping "Lexi I'm sorry" I whispered to myself as I watched her walk out the room "how do you feel now?" duff shook his head "yeah we will be nice to your girlfriend Alrite" axl shook his head "just quit hurting Lexi." izzy shook his head we stood in silence and in the blink of an eye it was time for the concert.

I played my guitar and I looked out to the crowd all I saw was the group of girl that were all our but Lexi wasn't there at all. I did see June happy and cheering so that made me happy and my whole mood changed. I started playing more hyper and I saw duff joining in too so was axl who picked up our energetic vibe Matt pounded harder and izzy played with a brighter smile. everything was going good but I still had a guilty feeling in my stomach. after the show we went backstage and right away my girl June jumped on me and gave me a big fat kiss,erin and axl looked happy,matt was happy with his beer, duff and Maddie needed a room,and still I hadn't found Lexi "where's Lexi?" izzy asked me "I don't care." I smiled after all I don't care and love her any longer right? We say backstage drinking and parting for 45 minutes maybe till I couldn't take it anymore. my mind,my heart,my gut,my brain, and my whole body only focused on Lexi so I rushed outside.

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