15- The Maddess

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Slash's P.O.V

I woke up at 9am outta no where I had two pregnant girls on both sides. hold up Gina is 8 months and why do she barley come? And Kim doesn't look like she is even fat! I went to the deck and just gazed out at the city "Lexi!!!" I scream as loud as I could.

Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up at a random moment I could've suer that my name was called. I just sat at the end of the bed looking out the window "slash." I whispered

Slash's P.O.V

I tried to call Steven but there was no answer. I called up the hospital and asked them how could I find out if this baby was mine and then I got an appointment for both of the girls today.

Later That day

"Okay miss Gina & miss Kim also Mr.Hudson." the doctor took a long time to call us but her we go! he asked questions, filled things out and ran tests. An hour later we were called again "so umm Saul is not the father of you baby Gina!" the nurse told me "woohoo I told you all Johnny's bitch!" I started dancing and cheering everywhere "sir are you going function?" the nurse asked rudely "sorry." I fixed myself but my happiness sure as hell didn't die "as for you Kim,no baby was shown. your not pregnant!" the nurse told Kim and then shut her window. I was pissed but still happy and in shock but happy "bye whore tell Johnny I said congrats!" I ran down the hall "oh yeah kim!" I flipped her off then the elevator doors shut. I was beyond excited and overwhelmed I left them and I was gone on the quickness. I left and bought my self an ice cream "ahh this is the life!" I gazed out to the sunset I was at the cliffs in my mustang but it only made me think about Lexi way more why am I being so rude to gina and kim? okay first thing I'm not that's not my baby, my girl, nor my friends just another stranger, they always messing something up, and the only reason we fucked is because I saw Gina naked so I jumped on her and blah Kim I don't we just fucked but it just was sex. as for this girl Kim well she was just sex too. we fucked in the back of the club because we were both drunk and the whole Lexi thing but like I said she was just sex, Gina was just sex, the blonde was just sex, Veronica was just sex, the red head was just sex, the hotel last was just sex, the one with blue hair was just sex, every girl that I ever got inside of was just sex and that's just how it is! but Lexi was love yeah we were mad and all but it was love I felt it I didn't feel sex and just sloppy. just something to get inside of I loved it I know I love sex but this was love and I loved to make love but only to my love. When I first got close to Lexi I just really wanted to fuck her then it was anxious to sex here up but no it was love me and her fucked lots of times before but I'm positive we both had love that night but the thing is I bet she only thinks I saw it as sex not love but I did!

Lexi's P.O.V

I thanked Steven and promised to visit him again but after all I had to go back home. although that's were slash is but I could ignore him that's my house to we share I'll just stay in my room and get away from him plus those bitches! I walked in to our house and luckily nobody was there but the house was thrashed. it looks like one of those moments when slash pissed and hurt or when guns and roses get into a big fight. I just ignored it and walked up to the kitchen took as much food I'll need and went to sit in my room as planned. I was still hurt how could he tell me the same thing he told another girl and how could he get not one but two girls pregnant? I kept asking myself while eating a tuna sandwich. I heard the door open "oh shit!" I whispered with a mouth full of the sandwich "no duff they aren't my kids!"

"Kim wasn't even pregnant!" "and oh that was Johnny's baby I told you!" "what about lexi?" "what was she doing over there?" "look that was my fault one wasn't even pregnant and the other is Johnny's or someone else's but it's not mine!" "i know that but I don't know what to do for Lexi?" "yes duff I love her and everything I said was true everything I said was real." "I didn't tell Gina that shit I just said I wanna fuck her already that's all!" "why don't you believe me?" "Look I put that on my life I never told Gina that!" "yes! I love Lexi and I know it even if that means we aren't together" "I don't care I'll try to get her!" "I am I need to I love her and I'd do anything!" "yes anything!" "why do you-" "fine mwhatever man I LOVE LEXI!" "because you said scream it to the world!" "I will but I have no clue where she's at." "well I don't know." "I'll try bye duff." "I know I know bye!" and then their convo was over Then I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I pretended to be asleep but I still the food in my mouth and didn't wanna chew it because I heard the door open then shut real quick but opened again "Lexi?" slash gasped and I pretended it be asleep "omg look at her and all this food he said in awe. "okay so wake the fuck up!" he said laughing "lex!" he laughed more "come on girl wake up!" he sat down by me "what the fuck do you want?" I sat straight up and he flinched back

Slash's P.O.V

"it's okay now they are gone and those kids aren't mine." I smiled but it died out once I saw she was mad "congratulations!" She said sarcastically "what's wrong?" I asked standing up "fuck you!" she flipped me off and walked away "tell me!" I commanded following her down the stairs "fuck off!" she said louder still walking "why?" I asked and that did the job "why slash? oh please tell me your kidding! get the hell away from me! I honestly cannot believe this: not one but two girls come to us saying they're pregnant..with your kid! and then you told me the same thing you told that skank and then you except me to forgive you?!" I saw the tears in her green eyes slowly build up with every word but I stood quiet "slash..tell me how many other women have you been with from that time I left?" She asked more relaxed and I wasn't ready to tell her "tell me!" she shouted "no!" I screamed "tell me!" again she repeated "no!" So did "just fucking tell me!" she hollered "no!" I shouted "tell me!" she screamed again "fine you wanna know okay I slept with over 35 other women,god! ya happy now!" I told her the truth and she backed up "Lexi.." I said "no get away from me!" she told me with crossed arms and she looked at the ground crying I felt like shit "Lexi-" she cut me off "no slash I really don't want anything to do with you!" she walked to the kitchen but I followed "Lexi listen those aren't even my kids and those women they ain't shit but sex that's what I saw in them was sex I saw then and thought okay I wanna fuck her I never cared about any of those girls I just cared about myself. why did I do it? your probably thinking that so I did it just so I could try to forget how bad I did you wrong but it never worked and I only fucked them Lexi I fucked them but when I had you it was love I made love with you!"I apologized watching her eat an apple sitting on the counter "okay!" she shook her head "okay? okay? Lex what the hell?" I threw up my arms "what the hell is I made love with you!" She hollered "I know and so did I!"I said but meant it as a question "slash your not pregnant!" she pushed past me and I just stood there I froze my heart raced and my mind lost track. "what?" I asked my self and chased after her upstairs but when I got there she slammed the door right on my face "Lexi!" I pushed the door but it wouldn't budge "okay so this is how it's going to be then! you wanna talk like this fine we could talk like this!" I shouted but I didn't get no response "Lexi I'm sorry!" I leaned on the door "I know you are!" she said "okay but I don't know if you forgive me." I pointed out "slash I pregnant!" she stated "I know that but like how?" I asked "how?" I could tell she made a dumb face "not how! but how like how did you find out?" I asked confused "last night at Steven I missed my period and bam!" she told me "by who?" I asked "by who? I can't believe you just said that!" she said and I woke up I was so confused I didn't really understand the questions I was asking "no no no I didn't mean that no I'm sorry I'm just scared and everything in my mind is rushing I don't know!" I apologized "whatever!" she sighed "Lexi please that's my kid... inside of you!" I got scared saying that "yeah so?" she asked "yeah so is that we are a family now!" I smiled "but I don't even remember us dating!" she broke my smile. I just stood up walked downstairs walked to my studio room went into my last drawer I sighed all the way in that back into I felt a small box. I pulled it out and smiled knowing I was doing the right thing I knew she would be satisfied I skipped up to lexi's door and knocked "what?" she groaned "just open the door!" I tried hiding my smile "why?" she asked blankly "can you open the door lex?" and I heard footsteps there was a huge sigh and I heard the door cracked. I was all prepared on one knee with a huge smile and my hair was outta my face she open the door and looked dull but the moment she saw me she had the hugest smile I'd ever seen her have. she started to have tears stream down her cheeks "Lexi,my love, my happiness, my madness,my smile, my heart, my joy, and my absolute everything will you do me the hugest honor of being my wife and to spend to rest of our lives together?" I smiled nervously "yes!" she was barley able to say with all the happiness and tears of joy. I jumped up to grab her and spin her around kissing her. she made me the happiest man alive and now I get to spend forever and ever with her!

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