12- Its Bad But Its Good

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A month later

Slash's P.O.V

We needed a new song and this time I wrote it. the new song was going to get called

'November Rain' it was all about Lexi. for the video axl performed it with Erin as if they were getting married and as if it was their story but it wasn't. I got to perform a badass guitar solo and I love it, the fans did too. I was proud of it very very much but I still had lots of heart ache.

I've been with 27 different girls since Lexi left me, I have drank 10% more then usually, and I am drugged all the time.

Lexi's P.O.V

oh great now I'm sick! not some heart sick but actually sick. I got a forever migraine,weak knees, sore throat, stuffy nose,fever,and Im extremely drowsy I'm slowly dying! I just shuffle all around the motel all day. I turned on the radio and I knew song played today it started out with a magnificent piano the a heart melting lyrics so I got to most jaw dropping and beautiful guitar solo I have ever heard I fell instantly in love with the whole entire song it was fucking fantastic!

"how do ya like that new song...pretty great huh? but I got something better..an interview with the writer..SLASH!" the radio host shouted with excitement while I feel to floor in disbelief i felt my eyes get a bit watery "thanks man and yup I wrote it." I heard his voice,his deep sexy voice,the voice that saved me,the voice I trusted,the voice I loved,the voice I haven't forgot,the voice that soothed my heart,the voice of the man I once loved and still do. "That's great now tell us all about it's background." the man told slash and I was hesitant to hear his spoken words "well as everyone knows about Lexi.." my heart dropped "the song is written for and about her." I couldn't believe these words "although we were nothing I felt something it was deep and true my biggest mistake was not telling her and hurting her instead." I tried to hold in my tears but couldn't "and if Lexi you are hearing this I am terribly sorry please come back." I could her the sorrow in his voice "and recent studies show you alcohol level is building up explain?" the guy asked slash "because it feel better!" slash tried to laugh but you could hear the sadness in his happiness. He spoke again "Lexi please-" he was cut off by the electricity going out. what the fuck I starting running and panicking no matter how sick I was. I tried plugging it back in to turn on and after a minute everything was back to normal but the interview was over an I never knew was slash said.

Slash's P.O.V

I asked Lexi if she could forgive thru the radio show and the went back my hotel room. I drank again nothing new right? But what ever. I truly miss

Lexi to the point where the pain isn't healed and some parts inside me are dead.

2 years later

Slash's P.O.V

Over time my drugs and drinking only grew beyond worse and uncontrollable limits yet this time When drank alone and starting destroying everything inside that room. I pulled off the sheets,moved the mattress throwing it out the window, kicking the mirror, breaking lamps, socking mirrors, and throwing things everywhere. Erin came to my side "hey! woah chill!" she moved her hands around. but I was way too kiss drunk to focus in anything. "Look at me!" I heard her voice scream but that's all I saw the room slowly got dark. I could only see black by now and I was barley able to hear voices "slash god dammit!" and that's the last thing I heard before I fell into an infinite black void.

Erin's P.O.V

Slash fell hard on the floor face first with his curls bouncing around I just kept shouting and screaming for him till I realized he was gone. I turned him over and his eyes were closed but his mouth was open "slash! oh dear god!" I cried out,I called 911 immediately. In a heart beat the ambulance rushed to our hotel but I kept screaming for axl i called the room service "send guns and roses up to rom 413 now!" and the same moment the ambulance men came so did my men. "okay I need everyone out!" one said and I saw everyone in slow motion they looked lost with dropped jaws and confused with worried eyes. "Erin Everly,is that you?" One man kneeled down to me "yes." he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the corner with his notepad "okay so tell me just everything that happened exactly." he commanded "okay so.." I tried to talk but couldn't because I saw them take slash away in the gurney and I didn't know what to think "hey I need your help little lady..." he got me back into focus "well you see I knew he was up here drinking as always and the rest of the band was out getting some food downstairs including Maddie duff's girlfriend. I sat in the room looking thru an old magazine when I got a phone call when I answered the call it was an old friend and slash's no so much girlfriend but lover "hello?" I asked "Erin it's Lexi umm I am not doing to well I am in the hospital and my life is literally on the line I just want to apologize and I need you to tell slash that I love him..." then the phone line cut off she clicked. I started to run to slash's room to tell him the news and when u got there I saw his room a huge mess as if a bull just came thru here or a rave just happened. it was horrible I looked at slash and he look 'off' I called him and I just saw his eyes roll back and he fell to the floor I was scared shitless and started to panic that's it." I cried to the guy "thank ma'am we will help your friend." he smiled but I just said fuck you in my mind. I ran over to axl who looked like he was dying for me I hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulder I told them all what happened and we were up the ambulance's ass when we were driving to the hospital. after an hour of waiting an Asian nurse came back her hair was blue it was crazy cool. "so your friend saul just blacked out he will stay blacked out and then fall into a deep coma from that we have no clue when he will awake." she said and rushed away. we all stood in silence and sorrow "for Lexi no last name?" An Caucasian nurse called out,all of our eyes bulged out and we all went into shock "umm She doesn't have a last name? and does she have green eyes? with light brown hair? about 5 ft tall?" Izzy questioned sounding scared and unsure "excatly!" the girl smiled "umm I'm the closest to her outta this group here what's going on?" He asked her and they went to the corner of the room.

Izzy's P.O.V

We we were alone she told me "well we finally found out what's wrong she has ammonia but she has just been cured and by the morning she will be safe to go home are you willing to take her?" she asked me looking into my eyes "of course!" I smiled crazy "good." she walked away and I hurried back to everyone with a huge smile on my face "Lexi is here." I tried to stoping smiling by couldn't "she is better now!" I looked away trying not to show my smile "she gets to come home with us." I started to lose it and my smile gave it all away. then each and everyone of us were way beyond extremely over overly excited!

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