8- Drunk Bastards

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Axl's P.O.V

We were waiting for Steven to come to band practice. "guys I'm sorry there was traffic." he reasoned "it's cool your not even late." I smiled he set up his drums and waited for our cue. we practiced for 2 hours until we were complete we wanted to go out to the rainbow to relax so we all went. "Steven you okay?" I asked him "yeah yeah it's just eve." he sounded worried as he drove to the Rainbow bar "what's wrong?" I asked concerned "I told the babysitter I'll be home at 6:30." he stated "what's her number?" I asked so I could call for him. he have me the numbered and I dialed soon a girl picked up "hello?" She answered "yes this is Axl Rose and do you mind staying over for an extra 2 hours with the baby and mr.Adler will pay you extra?" I asked her "oh yes I'd be delighted to. as long as I know where he is at, by the way tell him that eve is asleep and she has already been fed." she told me really quick and sweet "yeah sure thank you vey much bye bye." I hung up and Steven smiled "see man it'll be okay." I patted his shoulder "but I ain't getting piss drunk!" he warned me "then just get beer.." I told him furrowing my eyebrows "I know that's my plan." he parked the car and we got out "I'm really happy for you! I see your making positive changes in your life because of eve that's real good your a great father Steven!" we walked into the bar "thanks man!" he hugged me and we took some seats. everyone was already there, slash and Lexi in their own booth next to ours they were looking mad at each other (nothing new) Maddie sat close to duff smiling (they were really in love) Erin sat by them waiting for us. "Hello beautiful!" I kissed Erin taking a seat so did Steven. Everyone greeted us "what's up with them?" I asked Maddie quietly "I don't know." she whispered "ay lovers, what's up?" I asked them. we were all getting ready to hear them talk at once telling two completely different stories and argue with each other, which was hilarious because they hate each other so much always bickering but they love each other so much always together!

"It's was because I asked him how does this lipstick look and he makes a look of disgust." Lexi started "oh no I didn't shut up it was because she walks up to me with bright red lipstick and I'm not used to that so I backed up a bit!" slash said also "not even shut the fuck up but does that mean you have to make that fucking face? no it doesn't!" Lexi shouted "still I'm a guy I don't know this girl shit that goes on." slash threw his arms out "not only that. We go to the store right? and I see these black cute little small earrings-" slash cut her off "oh shut up god. the story goes we are at the sore and she pulls out these earring I mean they were nice but like I said before and I'm saying now I'm a guy I don't know this girl shit!" slash pointed out "and then on top of that I'm getting g dressed and they he goes oh your wearing that rolling his neck like yass motherfucker I am wearing that." Lexi waved her hand "I didn't say it like that she's dumb I was asking her like oh okay your going with that because she showed me two other outfits that she as going to wear so I was like oh okay." slash argued and we all laughed at them finally it was our turn to speak "you guys are crazy you need some drinks." I gave slash his jack and Lexi her tequila. the night has just begun! once we all started drinking our alcohol Steven stuck with his beer "you know Stevie I'm really proud of you your being really mature that awesome man!" slash told him from across the tables he was already piss ass drunk "thanky-" Steven got cut off by dead drunk Lexi "at least someone is being mature and not a punk!" Lexi slurred "well I'm just congratulating that man don't get mad cause you aren't mature!" slash slurred back to her "fuck you!" Lexi drank some more "her imma get going see you guys Tomorrow." Steven started to walk out and we all told him bye and asked him to give eve a kiss from us all.

Steven's P.O.V

I got home and eve's babysitter JoJo was watching t.v on the couch "hey sorry I am late." I apologized and pulled out my wallet "It was no problem Steven. she's a great baby." she smiled at me as she stood up. I paid her and walked her out back to her car. once we got to the door she turned back to look at me "will you need me tomorrow?" she asked. all I could she was he lips because of the moonlight "I'm pretty sure, thank you very much." I looked down at her and she looked up at me. we stood close together and I could hear her soft breathing we grew closer and closer till my eyes were closed and her lips were on mine it was short yet loving. she pulled away with an adoring smile "so tomorrow at 3:00?" She giggled with her hands on my chest and my hands on her lower back "most defiantly!" I have her a huge smiled. she stood on her tippie toes giving me another kiss my hands still on her back but she had on hand on my chest and another on my check "see ya." she patted my cheek and walked out with a smile. I watched her walk to her car and unlock it getting in safety and waving goodbye she drove off. I was so excited and happy I ran down the hall,up the stairs and to my room. that when I heard someone cry "aww shit" I got up and ran to eve "what's wrong baby daddy is here." I picked her up patting her back and she got quiet again I tried to put her back down but no she started crying "eve baby!" I groaned picking her back up I tried to set her back down but no she cried. I laid her in her bed but squatted down and started to rub her tummy "there there baby go to sleep." I hushed her soon she was back asleep I stood up and took one step but she started to cry again "oh eve!" I cried out and picked her up "what's wrong huh what do you want me to do I can't hold you all night." I talk to her then I laid down on her bed with her sure enough her crying stopped and she laid on my stomach cuddling

Slash's P.O.V

Me and Lexi haven't stopped arguing we have been going at it since we got here "you know what let's just go home then." I yelled "well you keep arguing." she shouted back "let's just go-" she cut me off "well let's just stop arguing." she said "well let's just go home then!" I repeated "well fine then let's just go home then!" she stood and so did I "bye guys!" we shouted at the same time walking out together. we got in the mustang and took the cliff drive home. it was quiet and then she started shouted so did I,next she started hitting me making hard to drive she also started kicking at my body messing up my driving, she screamed again and I just laughed before I knew it the car keep going straight till we drove at 100mph off the cliff.

3rd person P.O.V

luckily the cliff drop wasn't that deep luckily The police were some how contacted. They saw the scene and the ambulance were quickly called. They had to go down to the bottom so they could get slash and Lexi. they discovered that slash's airbag went out but slash wasn't on his seat, what he did was undo his seat belt and move to Lexi's chair laying on top of her so she was protected because of slash. slash risked his life so Lexi can breathe fresh air its quiet sweet because slash would have died protecting her. within minutes the band and the girls were their Steven had to make it with eve. they put both slash and Lexi in separate gurneys. with a killing deep breathe slash whispered to Lexi "..Lexi I love you.." He grabbed her hand and knocked out.

Once slash woke up at the hospital he was fine just his back is messed up severely with cuts and burns which will heal in a time besides all that he is alive and well. once slash tried to move he felt a stinging "arghh!" he groaned. the doctor heard him and walked into his room "your awake. she said happily "ahh yes." slash said confused "look Hun you got in a car accident may have not remembered that but now you know the stinging that you have going on is a pad on you back and it's stinging you too relax your muscles so you won't be as sore." she told him and slash nodded his head "I know the accident and all but where's Lexi? is she okay? what happened to her?" slash asked worried "oh the pretty girl well she has been placed in the room across the hall and she is completely fine just body ache that's all." the doctor relived slash with honest words of hope "is there any chance that we will be reloaded today?" slash asked her before she left "oh yes who would you like to be called?" the doctor asked slash and slash got confused 'where's everyone at those are supposed to be my friends why aren't they here?' he asked himself "umm W. Axl Rose..." slash told her softly as he got caught up in his thoughts. the doctor called axl and axl said "he is in his way" she told slash "they didn't come at all?" slash asked confused "oh yeah they came they just left at 2:00am this morning." the doctor told slash and left out the room. She walked into Lexi's room "where's slash?" Lexi ask the doctor right away "wow." the doctor laughed "he is in the other room the nurses are helping him with his stuff." she told Lexi "his stuff?" Lexi whispered to herself "oh yes you guys are going home." she said and the doctor was quickly done with Lexi's stuff. slash's stuff was done to and axl stood waiting for them. slash and Lexi both got out their beds at the same time and they saw each other again, they gasped and ran to each other. slash picked her up and spun her around kissing her all over "I love you!" Lexi whispered "I love you too!" slash to her. they took a quiet ride home in love and happiness.

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