14- While I Was Gone

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Lexi's P.O.V

When I woke up in a bed that I once laid in before,I woke with the man that I have loved the night before. "Slash! slash wake up! wake the fuck up!" I moved slash's body and he groaned "what hell Lex?" he called me by my nickname that he had given me and only he used. "make me something." I sat on his lower stomach with my hands on his chest and I could feel the vibrations in his chest from his laughter "you woke me up for that,fatass?!" he joked "yes!" I leaned down so my whole on him. "What do you want?" he asked me pushing me off of him and sitting at the edge so I could get on his back. he gave me a piggie back ride all the way down the stairs and to the kitchen but I kept fluffing up his hair causing him to laugh. he set me down on the counter and turned to look at me in the eyes. His hands were cold and were planted on my thighs,my hands were warm and rough placed on ribcage. "baby?" slash smiled looking into my eyes. "yes love?" I played with all his curls "I just wanna let you know I love you and I never ever wanna lose you!" he started kissing me and then he stopped. he reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring I gasped "this is your promise ring and my promise if I will marry you then have millions of babies in a huge house and we will grow old together and we will never fall outta love ever!" slash placed on my finger and I kissed him. "I love you and we will always be together wether we like it or not there is no way we could lose each other's love." He giggled but he was telling the truth before I could say anything back then the front door flew open with a Big Bang "Saul Hudson!" a brunette called slash startling us both "who the fuc-" he was cut off and stopped right in his tracks with his eyes almost our there sockets "Gina?" he managed to speak "yes bitch! that is my fucking name! remember me now bastard!" the girl Gina walked to him and he walked backwards "what the hell?" slash sounded scared and I just sat there confused outta my fucking mind "yours!" she pointed to her belly that had a little bump. "mine?" slash had a minor voice change "yours!" she shook her head and spoke with an attitude "slash! slash! oh fuck man she's here! I tried calling you! duff hurry the fuck up!" Axl jumped in the house all anxious and disappointed. everyone was quite the girl had slash in the corner I watched axl and axl watched them. "Aww fuck slash we tried." duff kicked the wall "wait hold the fuck up what the hell is going on?" I jumped off the counter and looked at everyone. the girl gave axl an evil smirk and axl just shook his head no "so he didn't tell you huh?" Gina walked to me I shook my head no in confusion "don't believe her lex." slash shouted "just cover those ears!" duff covered his ears and I was brain dead I had no clue what the hell what was going on "well girly lover boy here fucked me on night and look I have his baby inside of me." she said with duck lips bobbing her head. I honestly couldn't understand her I didn't get it I didn't believe. how could slash tell me all this shit and then come hit me in the face like this? I just stuttered trying to come up with words. "uhh ahh umm!" Gina mocked me "those were the sounds we made together." she walked over to slash "that's not my baby! you a fucking whore and we all know it! that is Johnny's you fucked him before me!" slash fought with her "oh no it isn't Johnny boy's I'm positive it's yours. remember all the things you told me about how your going to marry me with lots of babies and a huge house and we will be an old couple always together!" she hugged slash and gave me an evil smile but slash was trying to push her off "oh really asshole really you just fucking told me the same exact thing!" I held out my hand and reached for a knife I rushed over to slash "hey hey hey no Lexi no you will not look good in prison colors!" izzy came outta no where and grabbed me pulling me away from it all. He grabbed the knife and I felt it cut me but I didn't feel it after a while. I don't fully remember anything after that except bing in the back of a limo crying my heart out on izzy's shoulder. why was I so dramatic? oh yeah that's right because slash makes me that way "I'm so sorry iz." I apologized for crying to him but I still cried to him "does it look like I care cry to me any time they are both pieces of shit to you and they will both get what is coming for them that's wasn't right at all but it also wasn't right to go and stab them!" Izzy giggled. the thing is that izzy didn't talk much or laugh much nor smile but he always did it when we were together. izzy was like my big brother my protect and a teddy bear. "I know thanks for pulling me away because I won't be looking fine it prison orange!" I laughed a little so did he we ended up at izzy and axl and Erin's house. Me and izzy walked into the house and Erin was drinking tea while looking at a magazine "hey Erin!" I ran over and hugged her "damn girl look at that booty!" she laughed and kicked my butt I forgot I was only in booty shorts and a random shirt. "what the hell Lexi are you okay?" Erin asked extremely concerned pointing to my leg. oh so I did get cut,no it wasn't small it was huge and deep all around my left ankle. Erin ran over to get some napkins and bandages blah blah blah! she fixed me all up and I guess it was better. "so tell me what happened now? She drank her tea "slash is a dad!" Me and izzy said dull. Erin spit her tea out "what the fuck?!" she questioned staring at us "yup baby momma drama!" I leaned on izzy's shoulder "which girl is it?" Erin asked izzy "wait hold up how many girl was slash with while I was gone?" I questioned scared "uhh are you sure you want that?" izzy but his lip "yeah honey don't worry about it!" Erin shook her head "no no I asked I wanna get an answer you guys know you guys tell me!" I said fast "..32.." They both looked down. I breathed out and ran to the restroom turning on the shower water "what the fuck Lexi?" izzy asked "I made love to him!" I told them the truth.

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