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Ok so now these days people like to roast the shit out of others (especially friends) but it gets hella annoying.

Like I would just be texting on this group chat with my friends, and then BECAUSE THERE'S ALWAYS THAT ONE FRIEND, my friend start roasting me. What did I ever do to you? I'm sorry if my friend rejected you???

Freaking telling me I look like Dora and look like a rat and some other donkey Kong bullshit. Like just today I was playing this game called "Mobile Legends" which you should upload BECAUSE IT'S AWESOME, even though I completely outrage and become Godzilla when some bitch kills me.

And then he starts saying that it's just some cheap ass game clickbait of fortnite and I was like "-_- bitch just stfu and piss off, go play roblox or something like damn" even though I only said that in my mind, and I just said "no" and then he tells me "oh wait she's playing roblox" and I know this isn't really roasting but it's hella annoying.

And to make matters worse, bitch always uses the same roast like one time he roasted my friend in the group chat calling her a "teletubbie looking ass" and stuff like that, and then the next day he uses the same line against me on the group chat.

Do you not have any more lines or something?? BORRINNGGG (yawns).

There's only two guys in the group chat but he doesn't roast the other male dude, WHICH I FIND SEXIST BECAUSE THATS THE TYPE OF PERSON I AM.

Ugh, my friends all betray they actually made a group chat WITHOUT me, and they all started roasting me.

Such nice friends I tell you *sigh*

There's actually an inside joke we have which is "It depends on the weather" and it's all because I said it.

I feel like I just made a popular meme, smfh I'm so proud of myself ;;.

They keep using it for like anything.

Ok I just realized this doesn't have to do with roasting, BUT IT'S SO ANNOYING UGHH like can he just puss off and not ruin my spring break, gosh damn.

I keep calling him he so imma name him "Balls"

I swear Balls is so annoying some times that I can't tolerate him and would just love to stick a mustard bottle down his throat and spray his face with deodorant and stick a used tampon in his ass till the only thing that comes out of his mouth is blood.

Anyways moving on....

But seriously if anyone does try to roast me, I'll just kick them in the private and BAM I already won the battle.

But yeah, TRY ME BITCH

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