Wtf dude

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(To any of the people reading here and you're a boy I am sorry if you're offended and this is not for all men but for most.)

Ok so my mom and her potential partner, who clearly have feelings for each other yet aren't in a relationship for reasons that I myself don't know, got into a fight.

Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. So there was this new guy at her job that came blah blah blah, but he likes my mom and my mom knows but she doesn't like him back.

Apparently her potential partner knows too. Let's call her potential partner "Virgo" since he has the birthday month as me.

Weeks pass by and they get to know more about each other and my mom and the new guy become good friends.

Then Wednesday came, and my mom had to work the whole because that day was auction day.

That day too, was when my moms heart  broke a little more.

She came back around the middle of the night and woke me up. She told me she was sad and asked her why.

She said that she probably just ruined her chances of ever being with Virgo and I was like "how?"
Then sshe said he got mad and started assuming that her and the new guy were a thing and he felt betrayed and some shit.

That's when I suddenly realized that MOST, MOST men are stupid as fuck.

Like cmon you finna just calling my mom a hoe? That's she like one person but somehow is dating another?

Like use your goddamn common sense for fucks sake you're a Virgo, you're supposed to be calm and collected yet that's not what I see.

2 days passed and my mom built up the courage to text him saying they need to talk and he agreed, hours later he called her and they talked.

It didn't really end well.

He said some shit, that she should stop being immature and grow up, that she should find herself, that he isn't stupid, that she betrayed him. Like boi, stfu.

I was super pissed like how dare he? My mom has been through a lot of heartbreaks yet you decide to break her more, because of your stupid fucking jealousy?

I so wanted to call him and give him s piece of my mind but I held myself back for my moms sake.

He has the nerve to "If you're children ever need me for help, I'll help them." Like no bitch, why would I need help from someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're doing?

I so need to calm down rn.

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