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Y'all im so tired of this shit.

Like literally I'm so emotionally and mentally drained, I just want a fucking bREAk for once.

According to my mom, me not talking about my emotions equals me wanting to become a school shooter and murder people.


Take the time to process how stupid that sentence is.

Like for fucks sake, I'm not a psychopath. I don't want to shoot people because I don't talk about my feelings. That doesn't even make sense.

And apparently, I'm ungrateful and I never said a "thank you" in my life, so yeah there's that.

She gets all these comments of friends and family saying how "Oh, what's wrong with your daughter?"
"Why is she so mean?" "Why doesn't she talk?"

Like first off.


All these people, and she never mentioned a single one of them-

Also puts words in my mouth and say stuff that I never said.

Mocks me for my depression, as if it was something stupid.

And also doesn't care to consider my side of the story, my opinions, and my feelings. So yeah, there's that.

It's like as long as her boyfriend is happy, who cares about her daughter, right? Obviously she can't have feelings or opinions because she isn't right.

She always wants me to talk, but then when I actually get the courage to do so she shuts me down and tells me how much of an ungrateful bitch I am, so yeah I can't talk beCAUSE OF YOU.

Like fUCK, you say you don't expect me to be perfect, but when I make one fucking mistake, clearly I'm the biggest bitch of them all.

And apparently I'm rude to everyone, apparently I have never said a "thank you", "you're welcome", or "please" in my entire life.

So yeah, it makes perfect fucking sense.

She cares more about her fucking boyfriend and other people's feelings than mine. And yes I'm saying I should be on the top of the list, why else would you create me if I wasn't?

So yeah pretty much I'm a problem in her life and all I give her is stress and everything is my fault so yeah.

It's not my fucking fault you didn't wear a condom, "mom".

So here's your life lesson kids,

Talk about your feelings because if not, apparently you want to become a school shooter.

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